This page last updated 5-14-08.
This bibliography contains over 190 references related to classes that I have led since the year 2000. Some of the references are annotated briefly. The text for my course on "When Commitments Become Dangerous, is entitled When Religion Becomes Evil" by Charles Kimball. The text for my course on "Approaches to Islam" is Islam in America by Jane I. Smith.
Readings from Kimball's book were supplemented by others from Marc Gopin, Scott Appleby, Jessica Stern, and Omid Safi. These explore topics related to Peacemaking.
Smith's book has a good breadth and a fair depth. Another book by Asma Hasan American Muslims, focuses more on the areas that concern a young woman, born in America of Pakistani parentage, and discusses several important issues from the point of view of one individual. Other books that provide information at greater depth and in some cases are more academic, are in ascending order of depth and degree of academicity are: Muslim Minorities in the West by Haddad and Smith, and Muslims on the Americanization Path by Haddad and Esposito. More specialized books are Political Islam edited by Esposito and Islamic Values in the United States by Haddad and Lummis.
In the early part of 2004, I incorporated ideas from recent work in applied sociology - such as knowing in organizations, developing social capital, and practice-based approaches to transforming organizations. The organizations are transformed to be more creative in facing new markets, competition, and situations. Authors include William Bridges, Francis Hesselbein, Etienne Wenger, Peter Senge, Davide Nicolini, and Pedro Conceicao.
I highly recommend a recent book by Zachary Karabell entitled: Peace Be Upon You - The Story of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Coexistence (2007).
I have added to this Bibliography, relevant books that have been published more recently in my book COUNTERING POLARIZATION. My book is available now from Xlibris' bookstore at: Countering Polarization. The book is now also available from and Barnes and Noble.
NOTE: The format of this book provides a number of short quotations from relevant authors. I include them to show, in their own words, how others think about the many topics interwoven in my text and as support for my ideas.
NOTE: The following includes some website URL's. After some time they might no longer be posted on the web. However, they might be published with the same title. Therefore, I include them herein.
- Abraham, Nabeel, and Shryock, Andrew, Editors. Arab Detroit: From Marin to Mainstream Great lakes Books, 2001;
- AbuKhalil, As'ad, Bin Laden, Islam and America's New "War on Terrorism", Seven Stories Press, 2002;
- Ahmad, Eqbal; Eqbal Ahmad, Confronting Empire Interviews with by David Barsamian", South End Press, 2000. This book is one that I recommend highly. He was creative in a positive and non-violent way. This book has many interesting vignettes that give the reader a broader perspective on events in the Middle East and the whole world.
- Ahmed, Akbar S., Islam Today -- A Short Introduction to the Muslim World" I.B. Tauris Publishers, 1999;
- Ahmed, Leila, Women and Gender in Islam - Historical Roots of a Modern Debate. Yale University Press, 1992;
- Ajami, Fouad, Stranger in the Arab - Muslim World, Wilson Quarterly, Spring 2001;
- Alexander, Ian and Maiden, Neil, Scenarios, Stories, Use Cases Through the Systems Development Life-Cycle, John Wiley, 2004;
- Anderson, Walter Truett, Reality Isn't What It Used to Be, Harper & Roe, Publishers, 1990;
- Anderson, Walter Truett, The Future of the Self", Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1997;
- Anglin, Gary J.,Editor, Instructional Technology, Past, Present, and Future, Libraries Unlimited, Inc. Englewood, Colorado, 1995;
- Appleby, R. Scott, The Ambivalence of the Sacred: Religion, Violence, and Reconciliation, Rowman & Littlefield, 2000; I highly recommend this book for those students of Islam, and peacemaking in general, who are interested in learning about how to work for peace. Non-governmental organizations provide a range of examples. Appleby provides many examples of successful conflict resolution and other modes contributing toward peace. He also organizes the different modes and describes each one.
- Armstrong, Karen, A History of God, Ballentine Books, 1993;
- Armstrong, Karen, The Battle For God, Ballentine Books, 2000;
- Armstrong, Karen, Holy War - The Crusades and Their Impact on Today's World, Doubleday, 1991;
- Armstrong, Karen, The Spiral Staircase - My Climb out of DarknessAlfred Knopf, 2004;
- Asad, Muhammad, The Road To Mecca Max Reinhardt, 1954;
- Asad, Muhammad, The Message of the Quran Translated and Explained by Muhammad Asad. Dar-al-Andalus, Ltd. 1980 Gibralter reprinted in 1993;
- Aswad, Barbara C. and Bilge, Barbara, Family and Gender Among American Muslims, Temple University Press, 1006;
- Awde, Nicholas, Women in Islam -- An Anthology from the Quran and Hadiths, St. Martin's Press, 2000;
This book covers 20 relevant topics from Hygiene, Divorce, Widowhood, Modesty and Clothing, Marriage, to Prayer, Sex, Status & Rights, Mothers & Children, and Family & Care. It quotes from the Quran and from al-Bukhari's collection of hadiths.
- Baali, Fuad and Wardi, Ali, Ibn Khaldun and Islamic Thought-Styles - A Social Perspective G.K.Hall and Co. Boston, 1981;
- Bailie, Gil, Violence Unveiled - Humanity at the Crossroads. Crossroad Publishing Co., 1995; A whole new perspective on interpreting the spiritual crisis of our times. Based on the work Rene Girard published in the early 1970's.
- Barber, Benjamin R., Jihad Versus McWorld - How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping The World, , Times Books - Random House, 1995.
- Barber, Benjamin R., Fear's Empire: War, Terrorism, and Democracy,
W.W. Norton & Co, 2003.
- Barlas, Asma, Believing Women in Islam - Unreading Patriarchial Interpretation of the Qur'an, University of Texas Press, 2002. This new book by Associate Professor Barlas presents a knowledgeable analysis of gender study techniques and methods of applied textual analyses. She has taken on the difficult task of explaining how each person interprets a text in slightly different ways. There is no one right interpretation, but to interpret a verse from the Qur'an removed from a holistic context is dangerous. The truth can only be approached in the light of the whole text and knowledge of the contextual background.
- Barresi, John, On Becoming a Person, Philosophical Psychology, 1999, 12, pp. 79-98; also on the web. Go there now.;
- Barsamian, David, Eqbal Ahmad - Confronting Empire" Interviews with by David Barsamian, South End Press, 2000;
- Beck, Don Edward and Cowan, Christopher C., Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership, and Change, Blackwell Business, 1996.
- Begley, Sharon; The Roots of Fear, Newsweek, (pp 37-400) December 24, 2007.
- Bellah, Robert N.; Madsen, Richard; Sullivan, William; Swidler, Ann; and Tipton, Steven, Habits of the Heart, Harper & Row, 1985; Updated and republished in 1996;
- Bellah, Robert N.; Madsen, Richard; Sullivan, William; Swidler, Ann; and Tipton, Steven, The Good Society Alfred A. Knopf; 1991. This book has a good chapter on the Public Church in America.
- Bellah, Robert N. and Tipton, Steven M., Editors, The Robert Bellah Reader, Duke Univ. Press, 2006;
- Berger, Peter, The Sacred Canopy, Anchor Books, Doubleday, 1996;
- Blackmore, Susan, The Meme Machine, Oxford University Press, 1999;
- Borba, Michele, Building Moral Intelligence: The Seven Essential Virtues that Teach Kids to Do the Right ThingJossey-Bass, 2002;
- Borg, Marcus J., The God We Never Knew -- Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Contemporary Faith, Harper San Francisco, 1997;
- Borg, Marcus J., Reading the Bible Again for the First Time, Harper San Francisco, 2001;
- Borg, Marcus J., The Heart of Christianity - Rediscovering a Life of Faith,
HarperSanFrancisco, 2003;
- Borg, Marcus J., and MacKenzie, Ross, Editors God at 2000. Morehouse Publishing, 2000;
A millenial Conference with essays by: Borg, Eck, Kushner, Chittister, Nasr, Armstrong, and Tutu.
- Boston, Robert, Why The Religious Right is Wrong - About Separation of Church & State, Prometheus Books, 1993;
- Bowen, Donna Lee and Early, Evelyn A., Editors; Everyday Life in the Muslim Middle East, Second Edition, Indiana University Press, 2002; This book includes 35 short essays about life in the Middle East. They present the universal human aspects of Muslims and counter the violence and conflict portrayed by American media. A content analysis, by Brian Barber (a Univ. of Tennessee Child and Family Studies professor) over a 17-year period, from 1980-1997, about U.S. media coverage of life in Gaza "showed that 69% of the references to Gaza described conflict and violence.". Topics include attitudes toward abortion, activism, weddings, funerals, newspaper editing, the veil, the internet, film-making, etc..
- Bridges, William, Jobshift - How to Prosper in a Workplace Without Jobs. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., 1994;
- Briggs, Kenneth, The Power of Foregiveness, based on a film by Martin Doblmeier, Fortress Press, 2008.
- Brooks, Geraldine, Nine Parts of Desire - The Hidden World of Islamic Women, an Anchor Book, Random House, Inc., 1995;
- Brussat, Frederic and Mary Ann, Spiritual Literacy - Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life, Scribner, 1996;
- Bulliet, Richard W., The Crisis Within Islam, Wilson Quarterly, Vol. 26, Issue 1, Winter 2002, Page 11, 9 pages. This Journal article summarizes several crises (periods of uncertainty) that occurred throughout the history of Islam. These were crises resulting from the lack of a "..central institution for determining what is good or bad practice.." between an overly legalistic and impersonal interpretation guided by scholars and madrasas, "obeying the sharia and little else." Sufi brotherhoods arose that "...provided religious guidance and paralleled rather than opposed the authority exercised by the established scholars and madrasas." Bulliet goes on to describe several developments in Islam that give hope for solving this type of crisis.
- Burton, John, An Introduction to the Hadith, Edinburgh University Press, 1994;
See also: Information about Hadiths that is accessible by clicking on the following:
AHADITH", 1996; and also a list of Hadiths entitled: HADITH A RE-EVALUATION By Kassim Ahmad; Translated from the Malay original by Syed Akbar Ali; 1997.
- CALResCo Group, Chris Lucas, founder and Director of Research. Website accessible at: (
the CalResCO Group. For a brief description of Lucas' website, see Item 14. in the last Section of Chapter 4 of this E-book.
- Canham, Elizabeth, Heart Whispers - Benedictine Wisdom For Today, Upper Room Books, 1999. Her chapter on Prayer discusses how parental care influences one's image of, and relationship with, God. (page 75).
- Caplan, Mariana, Halfway Up the Mountain, Hohm Press, 1999;
- Carroll, Jackson W. and Roof, Wade Clark, Bridging Divided Worlds - Generational Cultures in Congregations, Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company, 2002;
- Carroll, B. Jill, A Dialogue of Civilations - Gulen's Islamic Ideals and Humanistic Discourse, The Light, Inc. & The Gülen Institute, 2007. I highly recommend this book. I came across it after my first book, Peace Is Possible was at the publisher. It is very clearly written and provides a good complement to my book. Carroll compares similarities among the writing of Gülen and Kant, Plato, Confusius, J. S. Mill, and Sartre.
- Carter, Jimmy, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid , Simon & Schuster (November 14, 2006)
- Carter, Stephen L., Civility - Manners, Morals, and Etiquette of Democracy Harler Perenial, 1998.
- Cederblom, Jerry and Paulsen, David W., Critical Reasoning Wadsworth Publishing Co. 3rd edition, 1991.
- Chirot, Daniel and Seligman, Martin E. P., Ethnopolitical Warfare - Causes, Consequences, and Possible Solutions, American Psychological Association, 2001; An excellent book with over a dozen contributors and covering background and the latest research and knowledge about the topic.
- Chomsky, Noam, On Power and Ideology - The Managua Lectures, South End Press, 1987. Chomsky, a linguistics professor at MIT is widely known and respected for piercing the ideological shell of the American Empire. He writes well and clearly, but, it appears, that the powers that dominate American ideology restrict the size of his audience. A must read for anyone interested in American foreign policy;
- Ciaramicoli, Arthur P. and Ketcham, Katherine, The Power of Empathy, Plume, a member of Penguin Putnam, Inc., 2001;
- Cobb, John B. Jr., Grace and Responsibility - A Wesleyan Theology for Today, Abingdon Press, 1995;
- Cohen, David, The Secret Language of the Mind, Chronicle Books, 1996.
- Cohen, Joshua & Lague, Ian, Editors The Place of Tolerance in Islam, Beacon Press, 2002. This book has 12 writers, including El Fadl, Amina Wadud, John Esposito, and R. Scott Appleby who have written about Islam and terrorism. El Fadl has a long introductory article and at the end a Reply to the other writers. In all El Fadl has written about 40% of the book. I recommend it highly. (See also El Fadl, below.)
- Coles, Robert, The Spiritual Life of Children, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1990;
- Coles, John B. Jr., The Moral Intelligence of Children, Plume Books. 1998;
- Conceicao, Pedro; Gibson, David V.; Heitor, Manuel V.; Sirulli, Giorgio; and Veloso, Francisco; Editors: Knowledge For Inclusive Development, Quorum Books, 2002.
- Cox, Harvey, Religion in the Secular City - Toward a Postmodern Theology, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, 1984;
- Cox, Harvey, The Seduction of The Spirit - The Use And Misuse of People's Religion, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, 1973;
- Cox, Harvey, Many Mansions - A Christian's Encounter With Other Faiths, Beacon Press, 1988;
- Dalai Lama,[]
- Dalai Lama,[]
- Dart, John, "Paul: Female Hair Too Sexy To Go Unveiled" in Christian Century, May 4, 2004, page 16;
- Davis, Chuck, Raising the Sparks A film about " Personal Search for a Spiritual Home in Judaism". The URL for information about the film is: (
Go there now.
This is an excellent film about reform Judaism that illustrates the universal spiritual principles that one also finds in the other great monotheistic religions. Throughline Productions and Delphi Productions, 2001;
- Dawkins, Richard, The Selfish Gene - 30th Anniversary Edition with a new Introduction by the author. Oxford University Press, 2006;
- De Graff, John; Wann, David; and Naylor, Thomas H., Affluenza - The All-Consuming Epidemic, Second Edition, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2005;
- Diamond, Jared, Collapse - How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, Viking Penguin, 2005;
- Diamond, Louise, The Peace Book - 108 Simple Ways to Create a More Peaceful World, Third Revised Edition, The Peace Company, Bristol, Vermont (www.the peace 2003;
- Dowd, Douglas, Capitalism And Its Economics - A Critical History, Pluto Press, 2000;
- Dykstra, Craig and Parks, Sharon, editors, Faith Development and Fowler, Religious Education Press, Alabama, 1986
- Easwaran, Eknath, Nonviolent Soldier of Islam - Badshah Khan, A Man to Match His Mountains, Nilgiri Press, California, 1984, 1999;
The life of Badshah Khan shows the compassion, love and bravery that true Islam engenders.
- Eck, Diana L., Encountering God - A Spiritual Journey from Bozeman to Benaras, Beacon Press, 1993, 2003 with a new Preface; This book presents a very clear discussion of how the different ways of thinking, of Hindu and monotheists influences their perceptions of God. The monothinkers (my term) tend to believe that their view of God and/or political ideologies is the one and only true or right belief. Those who realize that no humans can grasp the whole of God or the ultimate reality in their mind weave into their perspectives and conceptions ways of relating to the whole through a variety of symbols and conceptions. They are not polytheists, but rather are aware of the limitations of vocabularies and languages and thus use many headed signs or pictures or statues to remind them of the multiplicity of perspectives that exist among fellow believers in their own community and also in communities of those following different faiths. Such thinking becomes essential in a pluralistic, global environment.
- Eck, Diana L., A New Religious America, Harper, San Francisco, 2001 (with a good post 9-11 Preface); Her book has a number of stories about violence and fear between two groups of people in American cities and examples of how this was turned around into the two groups working together to spread mutual awareness and understanding throughout the areas. The stories in her last hundred pages are heart warming and show a hopeful path toward a multireligious society and world.
- Edelman, Gerald M., Wider Than The Sky - The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness Yale University Press, 2004;
- El Fadl, Khaled Abou, with Editors: Joshua Cohen and Ian Lague; The Place of Tolerance in Islam, Beacon Press 2002. This book includes a well received statement, by El Fadl, about Islamic responses to impacts of colonial and neocolonial exploits in the Middle East and South Asia. Responses to El Fadl's statement provide a dialogue that helps clarify the range of perspectives from puritanical responses on the one hand and to reinterpreting Islamic sacred writings in the context of today's world, on the other hand. The major economic, political and religious forces involved in this struggle are discussed. I would like to have seen a discussion of how the systems of honor and shame relate to the scale of systems of justice that range from tribal and patriarchal scales to global scales. The cultural system of honor contributes to energizing the conflict, as personal identities and group identities are an important consideration in these struggles.
- El Fadl, Khaled Abou El Fadl, The Great Theft - Wrestling Islam from the Extremists, HarperSanFrancisco, 2006;
- Erikson, Erik H., Young Man Luther, W.W.Norton & Co. 1958, Paperback Edition 1962.
- Esposito, John L., Editor, Political Islam -- Revolution, Radicalism, or Reform Lynne Reiner Publ. 1997;
- Esposito, John L., "Unholy War -- Terror in the Name of Islam", Oxford University Press, 2002;
This new book provides a well-written framework for viewing Islam and Unholy War. The author, John Esposito, is a University Professor of Religion and International Affairs at Georgetown University. He has written extensively and this book provides a framework and checklist of the many different considerations that should influence the opinions of people in America. The problem is a complex one and this new book is the first one that I have found which covers the complexity in a neat and well organized form. It should be required reading for anyone concerned about policies toward Islam. There is much room for hope, yet the American media and politicians (the latter concerned mainly about the 2002 and 2004 elections) do not help to enlighten the American public and appear ill informed themselves.
- Etzioni, Amatai,Creating Good Communities and Good Societies in Contemporary Sociology, January 2000 (p. 188). Go there now.
- Etzioni, Amitai, Deliberations, Culture Wars, and Moral Dialogues, The Good Society, A PEGS Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, (Winter 1997), pp. 34-38.
- Fay, Brian, Contemporary Philosophy of Social Science: A Multicultural Approach, Blackwell Publishers, Inc., 1996. A very good book that discusses many of the ideas in my book, Countering Polarization from an academic perspective aimed at undergraduates and grad students.
- Feiler, Bruce, Abraham - A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths, HarperCollins Publishers, 2002;
Feiler includes a very readable and interesting discussion of problems associated with interpreting and reinterpreting the Old and New Testament, and the Quran. See especially the section starting on page 128.
- Findley, Paul, Silent No More - Confronting America's False Images od Islam; Amana Publications, 2001;
- Florida, Richard, The Rise of the Creative City - and How It's Transforming Work, Leisure, Community and Everyday Life Basic Books, 2002;
- Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn, Islamic Society in Practice Univ. Press of Florida, 1994;
- Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn, Editor, Against Islamic Extremism: The Writings of Muhammad Said Al-Ashmawy, 1998;
- Fowler, James W., Becoming Adult, Becoming Christian, Harper Row, 1984; Updated and now in paperback, 1999.
- Fowler, James W., Faithful Change - The Personal and Public Challenges of Postmodern Life, Abingdon Press, 1996.
For example, "vocation" is a key concept that is an important building block in Fowler's work. I believe that it is this book wherein he wrote: "The human calling - which we take to be universal - is to undergo and participate in the widening circle of those who count as neighbor, from the narrowness of our familial beginnings toward real solidarity with a commonwealth of being." This book is one that could be designated, some day as a "Postmodern Testament". It was written in a somewhat academic style, but could not cover the broad range of considerations relevant to his topic in another style. It does lack an index, but every time I have opened its covers during the past four years, it adds depth and breadth to my slowly evolving conceptual framework.
- Fowler, James W., Weaving the New Creation, Harper San Francisco, 1991;
- Friedman, Thomas L., From Beirut to Jerusalem, Anchor Books Doubleday, 1990;
- Friedman, Thomas L., The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Anchor Books, a Division of Random House, Inc., 2000;
- Fullerton, John Paul, A Review of Peter Senge's book "The Fifth Discipline"
The Fifth Dimension
- Gergen, Kenneth J., The Saturated Self - Dilemmas of Identity in Contemporary Life, Basic Books, 1991;
- Gergen, Kenneth J., Realities and Relationships, Harvard Univ. Press, 1994;
- Giddens, Anthony, Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives, 2000,
Routledge, 2002 (Revised);
- Godfrey, Bill, A Review of a book by: Wenger, E. et al
Cultivating Communities of Practice: A Guide to Managing Knowledge. Accessible at:
- Goleman, Daniel, Richard Boyatzis, & Annie McKee, Primal Leadership - Realizing the Power of Emotional Intelligence, Harvard Business School Press, 2002.
This book provides many instructive examples of the use of Emotional Intelligence (EI) by CEO's and other leaders. The following key aspects are taken from Appendix B. Emotional self-awareness, Accurate self-assessment, Self-confidence, Self-control, Transparency, Adaptability, Achievement, Initiative, Optimism, Empathy, Organizational awareness, Service, Inspiration, Influence, Developing others, Change catalyst, Conflict Management, and Teamwork and collaboration. On page 6 & 7 the authors summarize research on the emotional centers of our brain (the limbic system). The comforting presence of another person lowers a patient's blood pressure and slows the secretion of fatty acids. This book has many good reviews.
- Goleman, Daniel, Social Intelligence - The New Science of Human Relationships, Bantam Books, 2006;
- Gopin, Marc, Between Eden and Armageddon - The Future of World Religions, Violence, and Peacemaking, Oxford University Press, 2000:
- Gopin, Marc, Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East, Oxford University Press, 2002:
- Grandin, Temple, and Johnson, Catherine, Animals in Translation A Harvest Book - Harcourt, Inc. 2005. She has several well written sections on the power of images, on the responses to fear.
- Graves, Clare W., (Author), Cowan Christopher & Todorovic, Natasha (Editors), The Never Ending Quest: Dr. Clare W. Graves Explores Human Nature.
- Habermas, Jurgen, Moral Consciousness and Communicative Action, translated by Lenhardt and Nicholsen, MIT Press, 1995;
- Haddad, Yvonne Yasbeck and Esposito, John, Editors, Muslims on the Americanization Path, Edited by Scholar's Press, 1998.
The Introduction and first four chapters of the latter book go into striking a balance between Muslim law and the laws of the Christian majority. The problems encountered by Fiqh Councilors and identity politics are also discussed. Choosing how to mix, or whether to mix, elements of the two cultures are presented in a way that clearly points out the difficulties Muslims in America face. When their background ranges from third generation Americans of Muslim immigrants to recent immigrants from a very strict legalistic background, there are bound to be disagreements.
- Haddad, Yvonne Yasbeck, and Loomis, Adair T., Islamic Values in the United States, Oxford Univ. Press, 1987. This book is based on surveys of about 80 leaders of mosques and 347 attendees and non-attendees at these mosques. The geographical areas were the Midwest, upstate New York and the East Coast. The authors wrote, on page 22: "The research for this study has been focused on liberal and moderate Muslim communities, primarily because we were unable to obtain access to other centers."
- Haddad, Yvonne Yasbeck and Jane I. Smith, Editors, Muslim Minorities In The West Altamira Press, 2002;
- Haddad, Yvonne Yasbeck and Jane I. Smith, Editors, Muslim Communities in North America, SUNY Press, 1994;
This book has many examples of local Muslim communities asking questions and/or struggling to answer questions such as the following. How should Muslims in America organize so as to strengthen their identity as Muslims? How do they handle the diversity that results, in an Islamic community, that includes members from different ethnic backgrounds? How can they become American Muslims while retaining some of their particular ethnic customs? How do they mix issues in America with issues back home - overseas?
- Haneef, Suzanne, What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims, Library of Islam, 14th Edition, 1996;
- Harris, Jonathan M., Wise, Timothy A., Gallagher, Kevin P, and Goodwin, Neva R., A Survey of Sustainable Development - Socal and Economic Dimensions, Island Press, 2001.
- Harrison, Lawrence E., The Central Liberal Truth: How Politics Can Change a Culture and Save It from Itself, Oxford University Press, May, 2006. This book complements my E-book: Depolarizing a Hostile World and my E-book complements Harrison's. I recommend his book highly for that reason. It is well written and summarizes much research that I have not included in my E-book.
- Hasan, Asma Gull, American Muslims: The New Generation, 2001. Hasan has written this book in a very personal style that is easy to read. She was born in Chicago and raised in Pueblo, Colorado. She is very much American and covers a range of perspectives toward Islam in America; ranging from a very strict, orthodox-literalist interpretation to a liberal-progressive interpretation. Her book is a good introduction to Islam in America, covering: the problems that Muslims face, some success stories, and how these are likely to change in the future. She has ten pages on wearing hijab, (head or hair covering), starting on page 35. She discusses dating in America and the old traditions of Pakistani culture. She discusses Islamic schools that blend some of American modernity with a good Islamic background.
- Heinberg, Richard, The Oil Depletion Protocol: A Plan to Avert Oil Wars, Terrorism And Economic Collapse, Publisher: New Society Publishers, 2006;
- Hermansen, Marcia, How to Put the Genie Back in the Bottle? - 'Identity', Islam and Muslim Youth Cultures in America, Chapter 13 in "Progressive Muslims", Edited by Omid Safi; Oneworld Press, 2003;
- Hesselbein, Francis; Johnston, Rob; and Editors, On Leading Change - A Leader to Leader Guide Jossey-Bass, 2002;
The ideas that underlie this book are, in some ways, congruent to the ideas in my e-book. The Peter Drucker Foundation included this book in a series of "Leader-to-Leader guides. In January 2003, The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management transferred its ongoing activities to the new Leader to Leader Institute.
- Hesselbein, Frances; et al., The Community of the Future; Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1998;
- Hicks, Esther, []
- Hooker, Richard, Principal Editor,
World Civilizations,
Washington State University, 1996;
- Howell, Leon, United Methodism @ Risk - A Wake-Up Call, Information Project for United Methodists - Kingston, New York, 2003; This book outlines clearly the struggle between ecumenical Protestants and a coalition of a number of conservative and regressive groups who use distortion, character assassination and other methods to infiltrate a number of major Protestant denominations and take over control.
- Hunt, Morton; The Compassionate Beast - What Science is Discovering About the Humane Side of Humankind, William Morrow & Co, Inc. 1990;
- Hunter, Shireen T., Islam, Europe's Second Religion - The New Social, Cultural, and Political Landscape, Praeger, 2003;
- Jacobs, Alan, The Narnian: The Life and Imagination of C.S.Lewis HarperSanFrancisco, 2005;
- Janis, Sharon, Spirituality for Dummies, Hungry Minds, 2000;
- Karabell, Zachary, Peace Be Upon You - The Story of Muslim, Christian, and Jewish Coexistence Alfred A. Knopf, 2007. This book complements the one by Maria Rosa Menocal.
- Kaufmann, Walter, I and Thou - Martin Buber Charles Scribner's & Sons, 1970;
- Kepel, Gilles, Allah in the West -- Islamic Movements in America and Europe, Translated from the French by Susan Milner, Stanford Univ. Press, 1997;
- Kepel, Gilles, JIHAD - The Trail of Political Islam, Translated by Anthony F. Roberts, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2002;
- Khouri, Norma, Honor Lost - Love and Death in Modern-Day Jordan, Atria Books, 2003;
The Amazon reviews of this book provide an interesting example of three different ways to interpret a story, when interpretation is affected by one's worldview.
- Kimball, Charles, When Religion Becomes Evil, Harper SanFrancisco, 2002;
- Kovner Kline, Kathleen, Hardwired to Connect: - The New Scientific Case for Authoritative Communities, Institute for American Values 1841 Broadway, Suite 211,
New York, NY 10023; Tel: (212) 246-3942. 9-2003. This report presents" "New scientific findings shed light on why large numbers of American children suffer from emotional and behavioral problems." Inst. of American Values web posting.
- Lakoff, George, Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think,, University of Chicago Press, 2nd edition 2002;
- Lamm, Claus, Batson, C. Daniel, and Decety, Jean,The Neural Substrate of Human Empathy: Effects of Perspective-taking and Cognitive Appraisal,Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 2007;19:42-58;
- Lang, Martin A., Acquiring Our Image of God, Paulist Press, 1983;
- Lerner, Michael, The Left Hand of God - Taking Back Our Country From The Religious Right, HarperSanFrancisco, 2006
- Lester, Toby, What is the Koran?, Atlantic Monthly January 1999, page 43;
- Lewis, Bernard, What Went Wrong? : The Clash Between Islam and Modernity in the Middle East, Oxford University Press, 2002;
- Lindsey, Gene, Saudi Arabia. Hippocrene Books, 1991;
Lindsey managed a consulting firm in Saudi Arabia in the 1980's and describes in a very readable manner the historical and geographical, religious and cultural background of the people. He also described the education, economics, foreign affairs, sharia, and business experiences he had in working with people at many levels.
- Lovin, Robin, Ethics for this World - What Would Bonhoeffer do? Christian Century, 4-19-05. pp. 26-31.
- Mackey, Sandra, The Saudis - Inside the Desert Kingdom, Houghton Mifflin Co. 1987. Sandra has done an impressive work of gathering information and writing it in a very readable style. She was an underground journalist from 1978-1980 and 1982-1984 in Saudi Arabia. Her chapter seven on women and the psychology that underlies Saudi upbringing of both men and women helps one appreciate how difficult is the confrontation between the Saudis and the West. Some reviewers 15 years later, imply that the Saudi culture of some of the Saudis has changed.
- Malle, Bertram F. and Hodges, Sara D., Other Minds - How Humans Bridge the Divide Between Self and Others, The Guilford Press, 2005;
- Maloy, Kate, A Stone Bridge North, Counterpoint Press, 2002;
- Manji, Irshad, "The Trouble with Islam Today : A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith", St. Martin's Griffin, 2005;
- Al-Marzouqi, Ibrahim Abdulla, PhD, Human Rights in Islamic Law, First Edition, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E. 2000;
- McFague, Sallie, Life Abundant - Rethinking Theology and Economy for a Planet in Peril, The Fortress Press, 2001;
- McKenna, Andrew, Scandal, Resentment, Idolatry: The Underground Psychology of Terrorism, Anthropoetics 8, no. 1 (Spring / Summer 2002);
- Menocal, Maria Rosa, Ornament of the World - How Muslims, Jews and Christians Created a Culture of Tolerance in Medieval Spain, Little Brown & Company, 2002; This book, by a Yale University Professor and Director of the Whitney Humanities Center who now lives in New York, describes a period of 700 years when Muslim were in Spain and ruled parts of that country. She provides examples in the arts, literature, poetry, and government wherein persons of the three faiths lived and worked creatively together. The tolerance among persons from the Abrahamic religious faiths provide a model that many in the world today aspire to emulate. The book is well written with illuminating anecdotes that help get her points across and captivate the reader. The author, in an interview and reader's guide at the end of her book, describes why for so long, Westerners were unaware and could not fully appreciate the underlying forces that led to tolerance. They lacked the background perspective to appreciate that way of life. Menocal has overcome this obstacle. I highly recommend this book.
- Merton, Thomas, New Seeds of Contemplation, New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1972;
- Miller, Peter, Swarm Theory, National Geographic magazine for July 2007. Also accessible at:
- Miller, Robert J., The Jesus Seminar and its Critics, Polebridge Press, 1999;
- Monk, Robert C., Hofheinz, Walter C., Lawrence, Kenneth T., Stamey, Joseph D., Affleck, Bert, and Yamamori, Tetsunao; Exploring Religious Meaning. Fifth Edition. Prentice Hall, 1998;
That book is a popular text in the area of comparative religion, religion in general, and sociology of religion. I recommend it highly. Twenty-five years of use and student input have been used to update and improve the 21 Chapters. I first started reading the book after developing my related web postings and a manuscript based upon my postings.
- Muravchik, Joshua, Heaven on Earth, The Rise and Fall of Socialism, Encounter Books, 2002.
- Myers, David, Chapter 11, in Psychology and the Christian Faith, edited by Stanton L. Jones, Baker Book House, 1986.;
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, Knowledge and the Sacred - (The 1981 Gifford Lectures), Crossroad Press, 1981;
Nasr is the first Muslim to receive the honor of being asked to give the Gifford Lectures in Edinburgh in 1981. At the University level in America, knowledge has been separated from the sacred and the spiritual. Recently the right and left sides of the human brain have been associated with spiritual thinking and rational, analytical thinking respectively. As I see it, modernity's emphasis on reason and measurement has led to excessive half-brained thinking. Nasr contributes much, and in depth, toward reuniting our Western brains.
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, The Heart of Islam - Enduring Values for Humanity, Harper San Francisco, 2002;
A good book for those who have gone through a beginner's book such as Jane Smith's "Islam in America". This book is a very readable book that covers in clear language such topics as: Shari'ah, Jihad, The various approaches to Islam from the distortions of extremists on the right and left, the traditionalist majority and others in the middle. Published in 2002, it provides important background to counter the biases and distortions of Christian extremists on the far right, and Muslim extremists such as bin Laden and Al Queda.
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, God: The Reality to Serve, Love and Know" in the book "God at 2000, edited by Marcus Borg and Ross Mackenzie, Morehouse Publishing, 2000.
- Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza, Mawdudi and the Making of Islamic Revivalism, Oxford University Press, 1996;
- Nawwab, Ismail Ibrahim, Berlin to Makkah - Muhammad Asad's Journey Into Islam, pp. 6-32, Saudi Aramco World, January/February, Vol. 53 No. 1, 2002;
- Nicolini, Davide; Gherardi, Silvia; and Yanow, Dvora - editors, Knowing in Organizations - A Practice-Based Approach, M.E.Sharpe, Inc., 2003.
- Notess, Charles, Notes on the Quran, posted at: (
- Notess, Charles, Introduction to Muslims and Islam, accessible at:
- Notess, Charles; A list of my web postings related to peacemaking and depolarization by the author is accessible at: [].
- Nyang, Sulayman S., Islam in the United States of America, ABC Int'l Group, Inc, 1999;
- Orens, Geoffrey, Editor, The Muslim World - Volume 75, No. 1 of the Reference Shelf Series, The H. W. Wilson Company, 2003.
I recommend this book highly. The Reference Shelf series contains reprints of articles and excerpts from journals and books that discuss current issues and trends in religion, politics, and related social issues. As with any brief summary of such a complex topic, there are some chapters have some weak paragraphs. I recommend, chapters by: Foer, Fukuyama & Samin, Asani, Millett, Stille, and Rauf.
- Pagels, Elaine, Beyond Belief - The Secret Gospel of Thomas Random House, 2003;
- Paris, Roland, At War's End - Building Peace After Civil Conflict, Cambridge University Press, 2004:
- Patai, Raphael, The Arab MindRevised edition, Hatherleigh Press, 2002. This book includes a detailed 466-page description of the language, sexual traditions, psychology, emotions, fantasy, conflict resolution, stagnation, and other considerations that contribute to the Arab mind set.
- Peck, M. Scott, The Different Drum: Community Making and Peace, Touchstone, Simon & Schuster, 1987;
- Peck, M. Scott, A World Waiting To Be Born - Civility Rediscovered, Bantam Books, 1993;
- Peck, M. Scott, The Road Less Traveled and Beyond: Spiritual Growth in an Age of Anxiety, Simon & Schuster, 1997;
- Peck, M. Scott, People of the Lie - The Hope for Healing Human Evil, Simon and Schuster, 1983;
- Perkins, John,Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, Berrett-Koehler Publishers 2004.
- Poston, Larry A. with Ellis, Carl F. Jr., The Changing Face of Islam in America, Horizon Books, 2000. This book provides a brief summary of some of the considerations that influence the norms followed by various clusters of Muslims in America with reference to the norms of evangelical Christianity. There are many similarities in approaches to faith and a few important differences that are rooted in the holy writings of the two faiths. Poston does not present a straight-forward definition of jihad. After introducing jihad as a holy war, only later does he mention the primary meaning of jihad to most Muslims and that is a striving to control inner desires that can cause one to violate good moral behavior. In chapter 4, Poston does not site verses in the Quran for many statements that he uses to describe what Muslims believe. He does site a few verses from the Bible as sources to support his statements.
- Putnam, Robert D., Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, Simon & Schuster, June 2000;
- Putnam, Robert., Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, Princeton University Press, 1993;
- Raschke, Carl A., Kirk, James A. and Taylor, Mark C., Religion and the Human Image, Prentice Hall, 1977;
- Rashid, Ahmed, Taliban - Militant Islam, Oil and Fundamentalism in Central Asia, Yale University Press, 2000;
Ahmed Rashid, a correspondent in the area of Central Asia for two decades, described the events of the past 15 years in detail. This is an excellent book. His perspective transcends that of the Taliban and the Northern Coalition, to include economic, military, policing, and other concerns. In his concluding chapter he outlines what he believes needs to be done. It should be required reading for all in the US government who are trying to help rebuild civil society in that area. Reading the book will make one pessimistic, but enough details are presented to show the obstacles that must be surmounted and eventually dissolved. These involve the United Nations, the Northern Coalition, neighboring nations, Islamic denominations, drug and transportation Mafia, tribal warlords, ethnic groups, etc..
- Rashid, Ahmed, Jihad - The Rise of Militant Islam in central Asia, Yale University press, 2002;
- Rauf, Feisal Abdul, What's Right With Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West, HarperSanFrancisco, May 2004;
- Rawls, John; A Summary of Rawls' Ideas. A Summary of Rawls Ideas. Prepared by Peter Jedicke in 1996. Last modified in 1997.
- Rawls, John; Political Liberalism, Columbia University Press; 1995;
- Rawls, John; A Theory of Justice, (1971) Belknap Press; Revised edition (September 1, 1999).
- Reimer, Joseph; Paolitto, Diana P.; and Hersh, Richard H.; Promoting Moral Growth -- From Piaget to Kohlberg, Longman, NY, 1983;
- Riesman, David, in collaboration with Reuel Denny and Nathan Glaser, The Lonely Crowd Yale University Press, 1950.
See Robert Fulford's column about David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd, FROM: - (NOTE: The capital letters in the URL are needed.)
- Rifkin, Jeremy, The European Dream: How Europe's Vision of the Future Is Quietly Eclipsing the American Dream, Jeremy P. Tarcher, August 19, 2004;
- Rifkin, Jeremy, The End of Work: The Decline of the Global Labor Force and the Dawn of the Post-Market Era, Jeremy P. Tarcher, (Updated edition - May 1, 2004;
- Roof, Wade Clark; Carroll, Jackson W.; and Roozen, David A., The Post-War Generation and Establishment Religion, Westview Press, 1995
- Roof, Wade Clark, Spiritual Marketplace: Baby Boomers & the Remaking of American Religion, Princeton University Press, 1999; Also, Roof presented results from an earlier survey in A Generation of Seekers Harper, San Francisco, 1994;
- Rosell, Steven A. et al, Changing Maps - Governing in a World of Rapid Change, Carlton University Press, 1995;
- Rosell, Steven A., Renewing Governance - Governing By Learning in the Information Age, Oxford University Press, 1999;
- Rosell, Steven A., Changing Frames: Leadership and Governance in the Information Age, a 33-page report, posted on the web and accessible through Google, entering the title. October 2000.
- Roth, George, The Learning History Project, Directed by Roth at MIT. New work in the area of learning to take the perspectives of others is summarized by the project at: (, (, and ( Related work on Communities of Practice is summarized in:
- Roth, James, The UN and WORLD TRADE, A Professor at Regis University in Denver, CO. Posted on his web site at: ( A very well received talk, given to the United Nations Association of Northern Colorado 1-15-05.
- Rushdie, Salman, Crossing Boundaries; Writer Salman Rushdie discussed Islamic terrorism in an interview on the
PBS Newshour program of 10-14-02; URL: ;
- Sachs, Jeffrey D., The End of Poverty - How We Can Make It Happen In Our Lifetime, Penguin Books, 2005. Sachs is a Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan. He has travelled widely advising governments on economic development with special emphasis on reducing poverty. His writing is very readable because he was deeply involved in conferences, workshops, research, and meetings about at economic development. Plans for each particular country are unique, although he learned from earlier projects in other countries. Learning about the uniqueness of each country's resources, capital, and geography helps the reader build a comprehensive model and checklist in his or her mind. A good complement to Sach's book is one by Douglas Dowd, listed in this Bibliography.
- Safi, Omid, editor: Progressive Muslims - On Justice, Gender, and Pluralism, Oneworld Press, 2003. This book has 14 good chapters, almost all written by Muslim professors in American Universities.
- Said, Edward W. and Barsamian, David, Culture and Resistance, South End Press, 2003; An interesting description of Said's experiences during many visits to Palestine, including many events related to music and other aspects of a people's culture and identity that one does not see in American media.
- Sanborn, Hugh, Editor, The Prophetic Call - Celebrating Community, Earth, Justice, and Peace, Chalice Press, 2004;
- Sardar, Ziauddin and Merryl Wyn Davies, Why Do People Hate America? MJF Books, Fine Communications, NY, NY, 2002;
- Schaeffer, Francis A., How Should We Then Live? - The Rise and Decline of Western Culture, Crossway Books, 1983;
- Schwartz, Peter, The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World Currency, 1996;
- Selznick, Philip, The Moral Commonwealth - Social Theory and the Promise of Community, University of California Press, 1992;
- Senge, Peter, Learning for a Change. An Interview with Peter Senge by Alan M. Webber; Interview.
- Shadid, Anthony, Legacy of the Prophet - Despots, Democrats, and the New Politics of Islam, Westview Press, 2001. This book, though written before 9-11-2001 by a seasoned reporter, with sensitivity and the depth of a scholar presents a hopeful view of trends in the Muslim Middle East. These trends may be diverted for a few years by the actions of naive misguided and militant true believers. However, I believe that they will survive and digest the extremist, terrorist threat. People at all levels of society are searching for new identities. This book provides a background for how "outdated interpretations of the Quran and Sunna" (p. 252) will evolve toward a new form of democratic pluralism consistent with the intent of Legacy of the Prophet.
- Shipler, David K., Arab and Jew - Wounded Spirits in a Promised Land, Penguin Books, 1987, Updated edition - 2002;
- Sinno,Abdulkader, Organizations at War in Afghanistan and Beyond, Cornell University Press, 2008;
- Smith, Huston, The Religions of Man, HarperSanFrancisco; Rev/Repr edition, 1991;
- Smith, Jane I., Islam in America, Columbia University Press, 1999;
- Somé, Malidoma Patrice, "Of Water and the Spirit", A Jeremy Tarcher/Putnam book, 1994;
- Sorokin, Pitirim A., The Crisis of Our Age", A Dutton Paperback, 1941;
- Spellberg, D.A., Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past -- The Legacy of 'A'isha bint Abi Bakr, Columbia University Press, 1994;
- Spickard, James V. and McGuire, Meredith; Religion and Social Activism: Narratives of Commitment, an unpublished paper presented at the 1995 International Sociological Association meeting in Bielefeld, Germany.
- Spong, John Shelby, Why Christianity Must Change or Die, Harper San Francisco, 1998;
- Spong, John Shelby, The Sins of Scripture, Harper San Francisco, 2005. This book has several chapters that describe the progression of epic stories and the history of epics, starting with the Iliad and Odyssey and then the Prophets in the Bible. The contributions of Hosea and Amos were significant in broadening the perspectives and consciousness of the Jewish people at that time. On page 294, Spong wrote that Jesus "was heir to the budding universalism that appeared in the latter days of the Jewish story when the Jews' God consciousness began to grow past the model of the tribal deity." The kingdom of God was within us - in our midst, yet humans can only be conscious of part of this God within.
- Spretnak, Charlene, States of Grace - the Recovery of Meaning in the Postmodern Age, Harper San Francisco, 1991;
- Staub, Ervin, Breaking the Cycle of Genocidal Violence: Healing and Reconciliation, Chapter 17 in "Perspectives on Loss: A Sourcebook", Edited by John H. Harvey, Brunner.Mazel - Member of the Taylor & Francis Group, 1998;
- Staub, Ervin, "Ethnopolitical and Other Group Violence: Origins and Prevention. Chapter 18 in a reader listed in this Bibliography under Chirot, Daniel and Seligman, Martin E.P..
- Staub, Ervin, The Psychology of Good and Evil Cambridge University Press, 2003. Almost 600 pages of Staub's work on topics ranging from children to genocide.
- Steffen, Lloyd, On A Mission - The Uses of American Power Christian Century, April 5, 2005, pages 33-38. This article summarizes and contrasts four recent books, including Saving Christianity from Empire by Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer. For anyone interested in the books by Hugh Sanborn and by Walter Wink, this article provides other perspectives on the issue of empire and religion in America.
- Stern, Jessica, Terror in the Name of God - Why Religious Militants Kill, HarperCollins Publishers, 2003. This book, based on many in depth interviews, presents a different view than that by Charles Kimball, there is overlap. Interestingly, there are few, if any, of the authors in this bibliography who are mentioned in her index.
- Strauss, William and Howe, Neil, The Fourth Turning - An American Prophesy Broadway Books, 1997.
- Tamminen, Terry, Lives Per Gallon: The True Cost of Our Oil Addiction, Island Press, 2006;
- Tangney, June Price and Dearing, Ronda L., Shame and Guilt, The Guilford Press, 2002;
- Taylor, Daniel, In Search of Sacred Places - Looking for Wisdom on Celtic Holy Islands, Bog Walk Press, 2005. Professor Taylor writes beautifully about spirituality in this book. He writings has taught me much about spirituality.
- Teixeira, Ruy and Judis, John, The Emerging Democratic Majority, Scribner, 2004;
- Terry, Deborah J. Hogg, Michael A.,Editors, Attitudes, Behavior, and Social Context 2002; See Chapter 2 by Manstead;
- Thayer, Nelson, Spirituality and Pastoral Care", Fortress Press, 1985;
- Thompson, Mel, Ethics, NTC Contemporary Publishing, 2000; a very readable book with straight forward examples.
- Thornton, Sharon, has a chapter entitled; The Failure of Community in: The Prophetic Call - Celebrating Community, Earth, Justice, and Peace, Chalice Press, 2004. I especially recommend her chapter. It clearly presents an understanding of how the narrow and biased focus-of-the-media in America contribute "a climate conducive for conformist thinking."
- Timpson, William M., Teaching and Learning Peace, Atwood Publishing, 2002. Timpson has spent his whole life working for peace and now teaches at Colorado State University.
- Todd, Emmanuel, C. Jon Delogu, and Michael Lind, After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order (European Perspectives: a Series in Social Thought and Cultural Criticism)
, Columbia University Press, 2003;
- Van Biema, David, Missionaries Under Cover, pp. 37-44 in Time Magazine, June 30, 2003. This article raises important concerns about the mission work of Evangelicals in Muslim countries, which appears to ignore the differences in culture between Muslims and Middle-Class Americans. Some appear to follow a simplistic worldview that displays an ignorance of cultural differences, and is seen as arrogant and disrespectful.
- Waller, James, Becoming Evil - How Ordinary People Commit Genocide and Mass Killing, Oxford University Press, 2002; A well written description of research and recent cases of genocide and/or violence.
- Walsch, Neale Donald, The New Revelations - A Conversation With God, Atria Books, 2002.
- Watts, Alan W., This Is It, and Other Essays on Zen and Spiritual Experience, Collier Books, First Edition 1967.
- Wenger, Etienne; McDermott, Richard; and Snyder, William M., Cultivating Communities of PracticeHarvard Business School Press; 2002; See Godfrey, Bill; in this Bibliography for a good 2-1/2 page summary of the book by Wenger et al
- White, Stephen K., Editor; The Cambridge Companion to Habermas, Cambridge University Press, 1995;
- Wilkins,Ronald J.; The Religions of Man, William C. Brown Co., 1974.
- Winell, Marlene; Leaving The Fold - A Guide for Former Fundamentalists and Others Leaving Their Religion, New Harbinger Publications, 1993;
- Wink, Walter, Editor; Peace is the Way - Writings on Nonviolence from the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Orbis Books, 2000. This book is a collection of over 50 articles written by leaders of nonviolent movements for peace.
- Wink, Walter; The Powers That Be Galilee Trade, 1999. This book is a condensation of an earlier book: Engaging the Powers. Two other related books by Wink are: Unmasking the Powers and Naming the Powers.
- World Bank, Social Capital for Development A web posting accessible at:
( and ( [Social Capital Initiative Working Paper No.1, The World Bank, April 1998]. These 3-4 pages of postings define the term "Social Capital" clearly and provide interesting examples.
- Zakaria, Fareed, The Future of Freedom - Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad. W.W.Norton & Co., 2003; editor of Newsweek, International has summarized Democracy and Freedom as it has developed through history and, recently, around the world. He writes well and presents some interesting ideas about problems that arise in so-called democracies over time. Developing nations have to balance growth in economic, political and judicial systems in ways that suit their history and traditions, their place in the world and the tendency, as the scale of organizations increases, for corruption and narrow self interest to override freedom for rich and poor alike.
- Zakaria, Fareed, The Saudi Trap, Newsweek magazine, 6-28-04, pages 30-33. This article provides a good update on the religio/political struggle going on in Saudi Arabia in 2004.
- Zarabozo, Jamaal,Translator, Religious Extremism - In the Lives of Contemporary Muslims, Al-Basheer Company for Publications and Translations, 2001;
- Zarabozo, Jamaal, How to Approach and Understand the Quran, Al-Basheer Company for Publications and Translations, 1999;
- Zogby International --Project MAPS Survey Muslims in the American Public Square
© Copyright: by Charles Notess, 2004-8. "Fair use" encouraged.
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