Last updated 4-06-08.
This is the index for my book, Countering Polarization - A Key to Peacemaking. My book is available now from Xlibris' bookstore at: Countering Polarization. The book is now also available from and Barnes and Noble.
This index indicates: chapter numbers and section letters in the chapters that include discussion of the terms listed below. For example, 4-F refers to section F in my Chapter 4. "EP" represents the Epilogue.
NOTE 1: To construct this index, I did word searches and in some cases only using the root of the word. Thus, for example, I searched on the word commit and the citations include commit, commitment, commitments, committed, etc.. The word might be used several times in one Section. There are likely to be a few errors due to changes when I updated the text.
I omit several key words that have citations in all the chapters appearing several times in some sections. For example: Exclusiv... includes exclusive and exclusivist.
NOTE 2: If a posting is not a chapter in my books, I enclose the file name in parentheses like (koran1.shtml). This file is accessible at: (
- Affluenza, 5-K;
- Altruis, 4-O,P;
- Ahmad, Eqbal, 3-K,M;
- Alexander, Ian, 5-I;
- Anderson, Walter Truett, 1-J,N;
- Anselm, 2-M;
- Antigone, 1-M; 4-A;
- Appleby, R. Scott, 4-D,I,J; 5-A,B;
- Armstrong, Karen, 2-H,I,K,N; 3-B,C,J,M; 4-H,K,R;
- Asad, Muhammad, 1-D; 2-M,N; 3-P;
- Axial Age, 3-M;
- Barber, Benjamin, 2-K; 4-A,F; 5-B,C,G;
- Barlas, Asma, 2-N; 5-F;
- Barsamian, David, 2-K; 3-M; 4-M;
- Beck, Don Edward, 5-C;
- Begley, 4-P;
- Bonding, 1-E;
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 5-H;
- Borba, Michele, 3-B;
- Borg, Marcus, 2-H,M; 3-I,M; 5-C;
- Brain, 1-A,D; 2-D,I,J; 3-E,M,P,T; 4-O,R; 5-H;
- Bridges, William, Pref;
- Briggs, Kenneth, 4-K; 4K;
- Caplan, Mariana, 2-I;
- Carter, Jimmy, 3-K;
- Chomsky, Noam, 3-K; 5-A,E;
- Closed Minds, 4-N; 5-C,I;
- Cobb, John b, Jr., 2-N;
- Conceicao, 4-L;
- Conceptual Framework, 1-A,O; 2-A; 3-M; 4-R; 5-H,I;
- Conflict Resolution, 4-A,D,E,F,I,K; 5-B,G,H;
- Cox, Harvey, 1-H,M; 2-E; 4-K; 5-K;
- Crossette, Barbara, 3-Q; Note (120)
- Dawkins, Richard, 2-I; 3-E;
- Dowd, Michael, 3-M; 5-I;
- Easwaran, Eknath, 4-J;
- Eck, Diana L., 1-M; 2-H; 3-C,N,Q,T; 4-C; 5-G;
- Eisenhower, Dwight, 5-E;
- El Fadl, Khaled Abou, 2-K; 3-K,L;
- Emotional Intelligence, 1-D; 5-J;
- Enron, 5-K;
- Erikson, Erik, 1-D,H; 2-D,E; 4-K;
- Esposito, John L., 3-N,Q;
- Ethic..., 3-Q,S; 5-B,C,G,H,I;
- Exclusiv..., 2-L,M; 3-H,J,O,P; 4-L;
- Fear, 1-L; 2-A,C,L,M,N; 3-D,R; 4-A,F,G,O,P,Q,R; 5-B,C,E,G,I,K; EP;
- Feiler, Bruce,3-C,L; 4-R; 5-G;
- Findley, Paul, 3-T;
- Florida, Richard, 4-L; 5-G;
- Fluehr-Lobban, Carolyn, 4-E;
- Forgiveness, 2-M; 4-K, O; 5-B, K;
- Fowler, James W.,1-E,F,H,K,M; 2-D,E,H,M; 3-M; 5-G;
- Fullerton, John Paul, 4-Q;
- Fundamental, 1-C,F; 2-D,E,F,K,M; 3-E,J; 4-R; 5-F;
- Gergen, Ken, 1-H,P; 2-G; 3-J; 4-A; 5-J;
- Geyer, Georgie Anne, 4-D; 5-G;
- Giddens, Anthony, 1-F;
- Gilligan, Carol, 1-F,M;,
- Goleman, Daniel, 1-D; 5-J;
- Gopin, Marc, 2-L; 3-M,S; 4-J,K,M,O,P; 5-A,B,K;
- Grandin, Temple, 4-P;
- Graves, Clare W. 1-M; 5-H, EP;
- Guilt, 1-P; 2-M; 3-K; 5-G;
- Habits, 2-J; 3-D; 4-R; 5-B,K;
- Haddad, Yvonne Yasbeck, 2-N; 3-D;;
- Hadith, (koran1.shtml)-C,G; 2-H; 3-B,F,H; 4-H,M; 5-F,G;;
- Haggard, Rev. Ted, 3-J;
- Hardwiring, 1-D; 3-M; ;
- Harris, Jonathan, M., 4-H,L;
- Harrison, Lawrence, 2-K; 4-K,M; 5-K;
- Hartman, Barrie, 5-K;
- Hate, 1-P; 3-A,K,O; 4-K,O,P,Q,R; 5-G;
- Heffermehl, Fredrik S., 5-K
- Hermansen, Marcia, 3-L;
- Hesselbein, Francis, 1-R;
- Hodgson, Peter, 2-H;
- Honor, 1-P; 3-B,D,G,K,L,M,N,O; 4-B,C; 5-C,G,K;
- Howell, 2-K;
- Hyman, Steven, 4-O;
- Inclusiv..., 4-L; 5-B,G,I,K;
- Individualism, 1-C,I; 2-M,N;
- Internet, 3-B,E,I,Q; 4-L,M,N,R; 5-C,E,G;
- Jesus Seminar, 2-M;
- Jihad, (koran1.shtml)-C,J; 2-N; 3-I; 4-A,F; 5-C,G;
- Jobs, 1-R; 2-K; 4-F; 5-C;
- Johnston, Barry V., 4-P;
- Jurisprudence, 4-H,O;
- Kepel, Gilles, 3-M,T; 5-G;
- Khan, Ghaffar, 1-M; 4-J;
- Khouri, Norma, 4-C;
- Kimball, Charles, 2-A,K,M,N; 3-M; 4-H; 5-K;
- Kohlberg, Lawrence, 1-F,K,L,M;
- Lakoff, George, 2-I; 3-E; 5-H;
- Language, 2-H,M,N; 3-E,I,M; 4-E,R; 5-F,G,K;
- Lester, Toby, 2-G,N; 3-O;
- Literal, 2-I,M,N; 3-H,J,P,Q; 4-J,M; 5-C,F,K;
- Mackey, Sandra, 3-G, L; 4-B:
- Maloy, Kate, 4-P;
- Manji, Irshad, 3-L;
- Mattson, Ingrid, 5-K;
- McKenna, Andrew, 4-N;
- Memes, 1-S; 2-I; 3-E; 5-G;
- Menocal, Maria Rosa, 2-N; 5-G;
- Moral, 1-D,F,I,K,M,S; 2-A,F,K,L,M; 3-C,E,K,L,M,N,P,Q; 4-D,E,J,M,Q,R; 5-B,C,G,J,K;
- Muslim Youth, 1-P; 3-L; 4-N; APP-A,F,G,H,I,K;
- Myth, 1-E; 2-G; 4-G,J; 5-F;
- Nasr, Seyyed Hossein, 1-D; 2-N; 3-E,H,K; 4-R;
- Nicolini, Davide, 1-P; 2-H; 4-L;
- Orthodox, 2-F,G,H; 3-H,I,M,P,Q; 4-M; 5-C,F,K;
- Pagels, Elaine, 1-D; 2-H;
- Patriarch, 1-K,P,R; 2-N; 3-E,F,L; 5-G;
- Peace Circles, 3-S;
- Peck, M. Scott, 1-D,F,I,M,Q; 2-I; 5-C;
- Perkins, John, 3-K; 5-H;
- Plural, 1-C,D,F,I,J,R; 2-J,K,M; 3-C,H,J,K,T; 4-P,Q,R; 5-B,C,G,K;
- Polariz, 1-A,H,L; 2-A,H,I; 3-R; 4-P;
- Poston, Larry, 3-H;
- Practice, 1-B,D,K,P; 2-A,H,I,J,N; 3-H,J; 4-D,E,G,L,R; 5-G,H;
- Putnam, 4-L;
- Rauf, Feisal Abdul, 3-E;
- Rawls, John, 3-C;
- Reason, 1-E; 2-C,H,I,L,M; 3-F; 4-F,H,M,N,P; 5-B; EP;
- Riesman 1-C,J:
- Rifkin, Jeremy, 2-O; 5-C;
- Ritual, 1-I; 2-A,I; 3-F; 5-B,E,I,K;
- Roof, Wade Clark, 1-C; 2-G;
- Rosell, Steven A. 5-I;
- Roth, James, 5-H;
- Rushdie, Salman, 3-T;
- Sachs, Jeffrey, 4-R; 5-G,I;
- Safi, Omid, 2-K; 3-I,K,L;
- Said, Edward W., 4-L; 5-B;
- Sanborn, Hugh, 2-L,M; 5-A,C,D,E,G;
- Scarf, APP-F,K; (koran1.shtml)-verses: [33.35];
- Scenarios, 5-A,I;
- Schaeffer, Francis A., 4-E;
- Schwartz, Peter, 5-I;
- Scripture, 1-P; 2-H,N; 3-I,J,L; 5-G;
- Senge, Peter, 1-R; 4-L,R; 5-G;
- Shafer, Ingrid H., EP;
- Shame, 1-P; 2-D,M; 3-K,L; 4-C,J; 5-G;
- Shariah, 2-N; 4-H;
- Shipler, David K., 4-G;
- Smith, Huston, 3-O;
- Smith, Jane I., 2-N; 4-M; 5-K;
- Social Capital, 1-R; 4-L,R; 5-G;
- Sorokin, Pitirim A., 4-P; 5-G;
- Spiral Dynamics, 3-E,M; 5-G;
- Spiritual, 2-A,F,H,I,J,L,M,N; 3-C,E,F,G,S,U; 4-R; 5-B,I;
- Spong, John Shelby, 1-P; 2-H,I,M; 3-I,J,O; 4-R;
- Staub, Ervin, 4-R;
- Stoning, (koran1.shtml)-Q
- Suhrawardi, Yahya, 2-H;
- Tangney, June Price, 3-L;
- Taylor, Daniel, 2-I;
- Television, 1-H,I,O; 2-G,J,K; 3-B,E,K,O,Q; 4-G,M,P; 5-C,G,K;
- Thayer, Nelson, 2-H,I; 4-N;
- Thornton, Sharon, 5-C;
- Todd, Emmanuel, 1-P; 2-E,M; 3-E,K,L; 4-M; 5-A,G;
- Ultimacy and Ultimate, 1-D,E,P; 2-A,H,I,J; 3-D,J; 5-C;
- United Nations, 1-O; 3-F,B; 4-A,H,I; 5-C,G,H,I,K;
- Veil (see Scarf), 4-N,R;
- Village Earth, 4-R(#10); 5-I;
- Wahhabi, 3-I;
- Waller, James, 4-R; 5-K;
- Wesley, 2-H; 3-P;
- Williams, Jody, 5-C;
- Wink, Walter, 1-P; 2-M; 3-E; 4-J; 5-A,E;
- Woman, 3-L; 4-P; APP-F;
- Women, (koran1.shtml)- verses: [33.55, 33.58, 33.73], K; 1-F; 2-D,L,N,O; 3-E,J,K,O,S; 5-B;
- Yunus, Muhammad, 5-C;
- Zakaria, Fareed, 4-B,R;
Go to the Table of Contents for this e-book: Contents.
Go to the detailed Bibliography.