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Review of Openfind New!

Last updated Jul. 12, 2023.

Debuting in beta form in July 5, 2002, Openfind is a new, large independently-built search engine, initially claiming 3.5 billion pages. It is based on research in Taiwan and has a Chinese version as well. See the initial Showdown news item. It does have some interesting features such as sorting by date and size, and a proxy link that highlights search text in the actual page. Use the table of contents on the left to navigate this review.

Openfind has one single database of indexed Web pages. No additional databases or portal features are available at this time.

  * New database
  * Chinese-language searching

  * Numerous duplicates and blank links
  * Lacks almost all advanced search capabilities
  * No cached pages

Default Operation:
The default setting is an AND operation.

Boolean Searching:
No Boolean searching is available, although Openfind defaults to an AND between search terms.

Proximity Searching:
Phrase searching is not reliable. It sometimes works using "double quotes" around a phrase, but it will also find the words in a different order.

No truncation is currently available.

Case Sensitivity:
Searches are not case sensitive. Search terms entered in lowercase, uppercase, or mixed case all get the same number of hits.

Field Searching:
No field searching is available.

There are no limits directly available. Openfind does have a separate link to a Traditional Chinese search page and a Simplified Chinese search page. It defaults to an English-language page search which will sometimes find other non-Chinese language pages as well. The "All Pages" expands the number of language results, especially for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Also, once you run a search, there is a "Matched Language" box to the right that can be used to limit by language. It shows the actual number of results in various languages.

Stop Words:
Openfind appears to search all words, even ones such as 'the,' 'of', 'and', and 'or'.

By defaults, sites are sorted in order of relevance score. An option on the right will re-sort the results by date or page size.

Openfind displays the title, a 2 line keyword in context extract, URL, page size, and date of the first 10 results.


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