Professional Experience
- Dispatcher, Glacier National Park. 2018-present.
- Professor Emeritus of Librarianship, Montana State University. Library. 2019-present.
- Faculty & Graduate Services Librarian, Professor, Montana State University. Library. Jan. 2014-Sept. 2018.
- Reference Team Leader, Professor, Montana State University. Library. July 2007-Dec. 2013.
- Reference Librarian, Professor, Montana State University.
Library. July 2003-June 2007.
- Reference Librarian, Associate Professor, Montana State University.
Library. July 1995-June 2003.
(Tenured July 1996)
- Reference Librarian, Assistant Professor, Montana State University.
Library. Sept. 1990-June 1995.
Awards and Honors
- Invited Opening Keynote. "Transforming Web Search: From Keyword to Knowledge Graph." Search & Find Symposium (VOGIN-IP Lezing) Amsterdam. March 26, 2015.
- Invited Opening Keynote. "Search, Discovery, Serendipity, and New Directions for Search." INFORUM 2012 Conference on Professional Information Resources. Prague. May 22-24, 2012.
- Invited Session Keynote. ""Discovery Engines and Libraries." INFORUM 2012 Conference on Professional Information Resources. Prague. May 22-24, 2012.
- Invited Opening Session Keynote. "Flying with Web 2.0: Innovative Service
Potential." South Central Chapter Medical Library Association Annual Meeting.
Dallas. Oct. 12, 2008.
- Invited Track Keynote. "Search - Getting Serious." Online
Information Conference. London, Dec. 4, 2007.
- Invited Keynote. "Web 2.0 and Medical Librarians: Tech, Search, &
Books." Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Meeting.
Billings, Oct. 1, 2007.
- Invited Keynote. "Search, Health Information, and Librarians:
Using the Best of Both Web 2.0 and 1.0." Canadian Health Libraries Association
Annual Conference, Ottawa, May 30, 2007.
- Invited Keynote. "Reinventing Ourselves as Internet Librarians."
Internet Librarian International, London, Oct. 17, 2006.
- Invited Endnote. "Web
Search Training: The Librarian Advantage." Alaska Library Association
Annual Conference, Anchorage, Feb. 26, 2006.
- Invited Keynote. "New Search Engine Initiatives in the
Age of Google Dominance." Eighth Southern African Online Information
Meeting, June 22, 2005, in Pretoria, South Africa.
- Invited Keynote. Pretraivanje Znanstvenih Informacija (Searching the Scientific
Information), Nov. 5, 2004 in Zagreb, Croatia.
- Invited Lecture. "Digital
Library Resources: New Potential and Old Perils" Ranganathan Annual
Lecture in Chennai and Bangalore, India. Feb. 2004.
- Guest Lecturer. "The Power Searcher." Alberta L. Brown Seminar.
Kalamazoo, MI. May 22, 2003.
- Included in Blake Carver. "The First Annual Top
Librarian Personalities on the Web." Searcher 10(7): 82-87,
July-August 2002.
- Biographical entries in Who's Who in America. 60th, 57th,
56th, and 55th ed. New Providence, NJ: Marquis Who's Who, 2006, 2003,
2002, 2001.
- Sabbatical awarded by Montana
State University-Bozeman during the period of August 2001 - May 2002
for in-depth research into Internet search engines and the teaching of
Web searching. Resulted in publication of Teaching Web Search Skills.
- Biographical profile in "Winning the Information Hunt."
Information World (169):28-29, May 2001.
- Inducted into the "Internet
Librarian Hall of Fame" at
on May 14, 2001 as the fifth librarian to be included.
- 1999 Information Authorship Award for best column, "On the Net,"
in Online and EContent.
- Guest Lecturer. "The Search
Engine Serengeti: Charting a Route Through the Wild Web." The George
Mandel Memorial Seminar. Cleveland, OH. For the Cleveland Chapter of
the Special Libraries Association. September 21, 1999.
- Interview and Featured Profile in WebForia Industry Profiles, May
- 1998 Information Authorship Award for best column, "On the Net,"
in Online and Database.
- First edition of Government Information on the Internet
was included in "Selected Reference Books of 1997" by Eileen McIlvaine.
College and Research Libraries. 59(2): 182, March 1998.
- Invited listing in Wilson Guide to Internet Experts. New
York: H.W. Wilson, Dec. 1998.
- Interview included as Chapter 12 in Reva Basch. Secrets
of the Super Net Searchers: The Reflections, Revelations, and Hard-Won
Wisdom of 35 of the World's Top Internet Researchers. Wilton, CT:
Pemberton Press, 1996. pp.101-106.
- 1995 Information Authorship Award for best column, "On the Nets,"
in Online and Database.
- Grant Recipient, MSU Center for Faculty Excellence Instructional Innovation Grant. "Information Literacy Instruction: Advancing Intentional Teaching and Assessment," with Jan Zauha, Mary Anne Hansen, and Sheila Bonnand. 2012-2013.
- Grant Recipient. U.S. Dept. of State. Travel Funding. Presentation at the Information
Resource Center at the American Center, Jerusalem. May 26, 2006.
- Grant Recipient. U.S. Dept. of State, Office of International Programs. Speaker and Specialist Grant. Speaking Tour in Croatia. November 2004.
- Grant Recipient. U.S. Dept. of State. International Speakers Grant. Speaking Tour in India. February 2004.
Media Interviews, Quotes, and Features
Quoted and/or interviewed as an industry expert in the following
news articles:
- Cindy Shamel, and Irene E McDermott. "Internet Librarian 2010 Focus on the
User and Add Value." Searcher 18(10):36-43, Dec. 2010.
- Carol Tenopir. "Complex Syntax Lives On." Library Journal. 130(18): 32, Nov.
1, 2005.
- "Internet May Not Have it All, Says Web Search Expert." Financial
Express. March 1, 2004.
- Stephen Pounds. "Reaching the
Top Consulting Firm Helps Searches Through Google and Other Search
Engines Find Their Way to a Client Company's Internet Site." The
Palm Beach Post. Sept 14, 2003, p. 1F.
- Andrea Orr. "Nettrends: Why the Search Engine Is Not Always
Right." Reuters News Wire. September 26, 2002.
- Lisa Guernsey. "Upstart Search Engines Try to Topple Google." New
York Times. April 4, 2002, p. G3.
- Carol Tenopir. "Online in London, at 25." Library Journal.
127(2): 42, Feb. 1, 2002.
- "The Search Goes On, and Google Faces Challenge." The
Montreal Gazette. October 20, 2001, p. K2.
- "How to Search the Web as it Shows its Age." Information
Advisor. 12(10): 7, Oct. 2000.
- Lisa Guernsey. "The Search Engine as Cyborg." New York Times.
June 29, 2000, p. G1.
- Joellen Perry and Janet Rae-Dupree. "Searching the Web Gets Easier with Engines That Try to Read Your Mind." U.S. News &
World Report 130(15): 52, April 16, 2001.
- "Revving up the Search Engines." The Boston Herald. Dec.
27, 1999, p. 25.
- "The Net: New & Notable." USA Today. June 23, 1999,
p. D8.
- "Teaching the Net Plain English." Financial Times. June
16, 1999, p. 16.
- "MP3 News Moving Fast and Furious." The Toronto Star.
Feb. 18, 1999.
- 1990 Master of Librarianship (MLS) University of Washington
- 1987 Master of Music (Horn Performance) University of Cincinnati
College Conservatory of Music
- 1983 Bachelor of Music (Music Education) University of Cincinnati
College Conservatory of Music Magna cum Laude
Books and Chapters
- "Using Citation Managers to Connect with Graduate Students." In Crystal Renfro & Cheryl Stiles, Eds. Transforming Libraries to Serve Graduate Students (pp. 235-242). Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2018.
- "Screencasting for Instruction & Reference." In E-Learning in Libraries: Best Practices (Best Practices in Library Services), edited by Charles Harmon and Michael Messina, 79-90. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2013.
- Screencasting for
Libraries. (The Tech Set, 17). Chicago: ALA TechSource, 2012.
- Forward for Randolph Hock.
The Extreme Searcher's Internet Handbook: A Guide for the Serious Searcher
Medford, NJ: Information Today, 2007
Teaching Web Search Skills: Techniques And Strategies Of Top Trainers
Medford, NJ: Information Today,
- Government Information on the Internet. 3rd ed. Lanham,
MD: Bernan Press, 2000.
- Government Information on the Internet. 2nd ed. Lanham,
MD: Bernan Press, 1998.
- Government Information on the Internet. 1st ed. Lanham,
MD: Bernan Press, 1997.
- "The Internet." In Encyclopedia of Library and Information
Science, Volume 59, Supplement 22. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1996,
pp. 236-265. (Refereed, invited.)
- Interview published as Chapter 12 in Reva Basch. Secrets of
the Super Net Searchers, Wilton, Conn.: Pemberton Press, 1996,
- Internet Access Providers: An International Resource Directory.
Westport, CT: Mecklermedia, 1994.
- "Changing Information Cycle." In The News and Its Future, Paul
McCaffrey, Ed. The Reference Shelf 82(2), 34-39. New York: H. W. Wilson, 2010.
Reprint of "The Changing Information Cycle." Online 28(5): 40-42, Sept.-Oct. 2004.
- "Net Efffects." In The Whole Digital Library Handbook, edited by
Diane Kresh, 178-182. Chicago : American Library Association, 2007. Reprint of
"The Changing Information Cycle." Online 28(5): 40-42, Sept.-Oct. 2004.
- "Web Value." In The Whole Digital Library Handbook, edited by Diane
Kresh, 225-229. Chicago : American Library Association, 2007. Reprint of
"Re-Evaluating Web Evaluation." Online 30(1): 45-47, Jan.-Feb. 2006.
- "The ‘New Bing’: Now Searching With Facebook." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. June 7, 2012.
- "SearchTeam: Collaborative Asynchronous Searching." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. Aug. 8, 2011.
- "Yahoo! Clues: A New Source for Search Data."[Online Article] NewsBreaks. Nov. 29, 2010.
- "Google Instant: Interactive Searching." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. Sept. 16, 2010.
- "Google
Moves Left to Navigational Search Facets." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. May 13, 2010.
- "Microsoft's New Bing—The ‘Decision Engine'." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. June 8, 2009.
- "Customize Your Own Google Results With SearchWiki." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. Dec. 4, 2008.
- "Google
the Browser Builder: Chrome." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. Sept. 11, 2008.
- "Cuil:
New Search Engine to Watch. [Online Article] NewsBreaks. Aug. 7, 2008.
- "SearchTogether:
A Tech Preview of Social Search Potential. [Online Article] NewsBreaks. June 23, 2008.
- "Custom Search Engines: Tools & Tips." Computers in Libraries 28(5): 16-17, May 2008.
- "AskEraser:
Privacy Potential." [Online Article] NewsBreaks. Jan. 3, 2008.
- "Microsoft and Yahoo! Update Search." [Online Article] NewsBreaks.
Oct. 8, 2007.
- "Google Universal and Its New Navigation." [Online Article] NewsBreaks.
May 29, 2007.
- "Microsoft Launches Live Search Books." [Online Article] NewsBreaks.
Dec. 11, 2006.
- "Need info?
Just!" Library Journal. 131(12): 110, Jul. 1, 2006. (Invited)
- "Government Information on the Internet." Library Trends 52(2):
256-267, Fall 2003. (Invited)
- "Workflow for Creating Interactive Course Web Sites." [Online article]
Microsoft Assistance Center Web Site. Aug. 13, 2002.
- "Educational Community-Building with Forums." [Online article] Microsoft
Office FrontPage Community. May 13, 2002.
- "Search Engine Showdown." In Information Online 2001: Digital
Dancing: New Steps, New Partners.
[Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Information Online Conference and
Exhibition.] Sydney: Information Specialists Division Australian
Library and Information Association, 2001. Pp. 264-268.
- "What's Ahead for 2001? Predictions from 13 Information Industry
Sages." Information Today. 18(1):1, 52-56, Jan. 2001 (Invited
contribution to this larger article. My section is on p. 54.)
- "Searching the Web: Search Engine Inconsistencies and Successful
Strategies." Tidskrift för Dokumentation, [The Nordic Journal
of Documentation] 55(1): 3-7, 2000.
- "The Never-Ending Quest: Search Engine Relevance." Online
24(3):35-40, May-June 2000. (Invited)
- "USGOVSEARCH: The Federal Web, NTIS Database, and More." Online
24(1): 57-61, January 2000. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Showdown." Planet IT [Online].
Internet/Intranets TechCenter. July 12, 1999.
- "Search Engines in the Internet Age." Online 23(3):20-22,
May-June 1999. (Invited)
- "Unknown Search Gems: Effective Searches with Little Known
Engines." Planet IT [Online]. Web Design &
Section. Jan. 19, 1999.
- "Speeding the Information Hunt." Planet IT [Online].
Internet/Intranets TechCenter. Nov. 13, 1998.
- "Focus On: Alexa." Online 22(3):29-30, May-June 1998.
- "Northern Light: New Search Engine for the Web and Full-Text
Articles." Database 21(1):32-37, Feb.-March 1998.
- "Internet Search Engines for Finding Government Web Sites." The
Internet Connection 4(1):1-4, Jan. 1998. (Invited)
- "The Evolution of Government Web Sites." The Internet
Connection 3(8):1-4, Sept. 1997. (Invited)
- "Digital Libraries on the Net: NlightN and Electric Library."
Online User 2(6):36-44, Nov.-Dec. 1996. (Invited)
- "Java Creates New Potential for Internet Information." Online
20(2):82-86, Mar.-Apr. 1996.
- "News Resources on the World Wide Web." Database
19(1):12-20, Feb.-March 1996 (Cover story).
- "Internet Connections: Understanding Your Access Options." Online
18(5):41-47, September-October 1994 (Invited).
- "Montana Internet Connections." Montana Library Focus
12(1):19-21, March 1994.
- "An Internet Indexing Lexicon." NFAIS Newsletter
36(1):1-4, January 1994 (Invited).
- "Gaining Access to the Internet." Online 16(5):27-34,
September 1992 (Invited).
- "The Impact of Networked Information on Access Services."
Collection Management 17(1/2):105-117, 1992. (Invited article.
Reprinted in: Gregg Sapp, ed. Access Services in Libraries: New
Solutions for Collection Management. New York: Haworth, 1992.)
- "Information Sources on Rural Recycling." Green Library
Journal: Environmental Topics in the Information World 1(1):29-37,
January 1992 (with Jodee Kuske; refereed). Reprinted in Alternative
Library Literature 1992/93, Sanford Berman and James P. Danky, eds.
Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1994, pp. 292-296.
- "Using the Internet for Increased Information Access and
Retrieval." In Proceedings of the Online/CD-ROM 1991 Conference.
S.l.: s.n., 1991, pp. 95-98.
- "Library Catalogs on the Internet." Systems and Computing
Services User News (Montana State University) 6(1):8-9, Fall 1991.
- "Searching EPIC on the Internet." OCLC Micro 7(5):23-25,
October 1991. Also reprinted in the electronic journal MeckJournal
1(2): Feature article 1, October 1991.
"On the Net" column in Online Searcher, 2013-2016.
Published every other month. A column focusing on information retrieval on the Internet, search
engines, and other specialized Internet information tools.
- "Search Strategies for Large Document Searching." Online Searcher 40(6): 54-56, Nov./Dec. 2016.
- "Tips for Avoiding, or Celebrating, Zero Search Results." Online Searcher 40(5): 54-56, Sept./Oct. 2016.
- "Link Searching." Online Searcher 40(4): 54-56, July/August 2016.
- "Advanced Search Techniques: Geolocation and Structured Data Search." Online Searcher 40(3): 54-56, May/June 2016.
- "Searching for Definitions." Online Searcher 40(2): 62-64, March/April 2016.
- "Known Item Search Strategies." Online Searcher 40(1): 62-64, Jan./Feb. 2016.
- "Search and the Changing Browser Landscape." Online Searcher 39(6): 62-64, Nov./Dec. 2015.
- "Searching Beyond Our Comfort Zone." Online Searcher 39(5): 62-64, Sept./Oct. 2015.
- "Searching from within Apps." Online Searcher 39(4): 62-64, July/Aug. 2015.
- "Google's Fascinating Facets." Online Searcher 39(3): 62-64, May/June 2015.
- "Locations and Usability of Advanced Search, Facets, Filters, and Limits." Online Searcher 39(2): 62-64, March/April 2015.
- "The Ins and Outs of the in and Allin Search Operator." Online Searcher 39(1): 65-67, Jan/Feb 2015.
- "Intricacies of Phrase Searching." Online Searcher 38(6): 65-67, Nov/Dec 2014.
- "The Site Operator for Advanced Search." Online Searcher 38(5): 65-67. Sept/Oct 2014.
- "Computational, Numeric, and Data Searching". Online Searcher 38(4): 65-67. Jul/Aug 2014.
- "Computational, Numeric, and Data Searching." Online Searcher 38(3): 68-70, May/Jun 2014.
- "Surviving Rot and Finding the Online Past." Online Searcher 38(2): 65-67, Mar/Apr 2014.
- "On the News: Trends in News Consumption and Search." Online Searcher 38(1): 65-67, Jan/Feb 2014.
- "What's 'Appening' with Search and Apps." Online Searcher 37(6): 62-64, Nov/Dec 2013
- "Search Engine Interfaces: Confronting Consistent Inconsistency." Online Searcher 37(5): 62-64. Sept/Oct 2013.
- "Search Engine to Knowledge Engine?". Online Searcher 37(4): 61-63.
Jul/Aug 2013.
- "Sighting Cites and Citing Sites." Online Searcher 37(3): 62-64, May/Jun 2013.
- "Leveraging Multimedia in Web Search." Online Searcher 37(2): 62-64, Mar/Apr 2013.
- "Searching for Scholars." Online Searcher 37(1): 61-64, Jan/Feb 2013.
"On the Net"
column in Online, 1993-2009, 2011-2012.
Published every other month. A column focusing on information retrieval on the Internet, search
engines, and other specialized Internet information tools.
- "Authorship, Rich Snippets, and the Semantic Web." Online 36(6): 44-46,
Nov/Dec 2012.
- "Cloud Storage and Synchronization: Information Management Tools." Online 36(5): 45-47,
Sep/Oct 2012.
- "Sharing to Multiple Social Networks." Online 36(4): 45-47, Jul/Aug 2012.
- "Next Generation Social Networks and Search." Online 36(3): 44-46, May/June 2012.
- "Advanced Search in Retreat." Online 36(2): 43-46, Mar/Apr 2012.
- "Searching in Disguise." Online, 36(1): 43-46, Jan/Feb
- "Internationalization and Expansion of Web Addresses." Online,
35(6): 44-46, Nov/Dec 2011.
- "Browser Battles Return." Online, 35(5):45-47,
Sep/Oct 2011.
- "Periodical Peregrinations and Library Resource Fails." Online,
35(4): 45-47,
Jul/Aug 2011.
- "Content Farming, Quick Creation, and Declining Information Quality." Online,
35(3): 46-48, May/Jun 2011.
- "Blekko: A New Search Approach." Online, 35(2): 45-47, Mar/Apr
- "Deciphering Discovery." Online, 35(1): 45-47, Jan/Feb
- "Yahoo!'s Long Strange Journey." Online, 33(6): 42-44, Nov/Dec
- "Bing and Increases in Data-Based Search." Online, 33(5):40-42,
Sep/Oct 2009.
- "Privacy in the Age of the Social Web." Online, 33(4): 41-43,
Jul/Aug 2009.
- "Bailouts, Stimuli, and Backups." Online, 33(3): 41-43, May/Jun
- "Forget Not the Forums." Online, 33(2): 41-43, Mar/Apr 2009.
- "Finding Free Media." Online, 33(1): 41-43, Jan/Feb 2009.
- "The Downside of Upgrades." Online 32(6): 42-44, Nov.-Dec. 2008.
- "A Potpourri of 2.0 Tools." Online 32(5):43-45, Sept.-Oct. 2008.
- "Searching the Twitter Realm." Online 32(4): 43-45, July-Aug. 2008.
- "Multilingual
Searching: Search Engine Language Tools." Online 32(3): 40-42,
May-June. 2008.
- "Speed Searching." Online 32(2): 41-44, Mar.-Apr. 2008.
- "An About Face on Facebook?" Online 32(1): 43-45, Jan.-Feb. 2008.
- "The Incredible, Embedded Web." Online 31(5): 43-46, Sept.-Oct.
- " Building Vertical Search Engines." Online 31(4): 37-39, July-Aug.
- "Switching Your Search Engines." Online 31(3): 44-46, May-June
- "Wake Up to Web Page Change Alerts." Online 31(2): 46-48, Mar.-Apr.
- "Community Filtering: digg, Slashdot, and the Social Web." Online
31(1): 45-47, Jan.-Feb. 2007.
- "Diverging Web Markup Choices." Online 30(6):
43-45, Nov.-Dec. 2006.
- "Web-Based Software and the New Desktops on the Web." Online
30(4): 39-41, July-Aug. 2006.
- "The Terrible Twos: Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and More." Online
30(3): 40-42, May-June 2006.
- "Tracking Your Search History." Online 30(2): 41-43,
Mar.-Apr. 2006.
- "Re-Evaluating Web Evaluation." Online 30(1): 45-47,
Jan.-Feb. 2006.
- "Casting the Net: Podcasting and Screencasting." Online
29(6): 43-45, Nov.-Dec. 2005.
- "Subset Search Techniques." Online 29(5): 40-42,
Sept.-Oct. 2005.
- "Scholarly Web Searching: Google Scholar and Scirus." Online
29(4): 39-41, July-Aug. 2005.
- "Searching Books Between the Covers." Online 29(3):
41-44, May-June 2005.
- "Locating Uses for Local Search." Online 29(2): 39-41,
Mar.-Apr. 2005.
- "Revisiting Past Technologies." Online 29(1): 45-47,
Jan.-Feb. 2005.
- "Dating the Web: The Confusion of Chronology." Online
28(6): 39-41, Nov.-Dec. 2004.
- "The Changing Information Cycle." Online 28(5): 40-42,
Sept.-Oct. 2004.
- "The New Yahoo! Search." Online 28(4): 40-42, July-Aug.
- "Search Engine Prefixes and Shortcuts." Online 28(3):
41-43, May-June 2004.
- "Fiddling with File Types." Online 28(2): 39-41,
Mar.-Apr. 2004.
- "Toolbars: Trash or Treasures?" Online 28(1): 41-44,
Jan.-Feb. 2004.
- "Unusual Power Web Searching Commands." Online 27(6):
40-42, Nov.-Dec. 2003.
- "The Google Dance: Their Database Update Saga." Online
27(5): 42-44, Sept.-Oct. 2003.
- "Bookmarklets, Favelets, and Keymarks: Shortcuts Galore." Online
27(4): 38-40, July-Aug. 2003.
- "Unlocking URLs: Extensions, Shortening Options, and Other
Oddities." Online 27(3): 54-56, May-June 2003.
- "A Decade On the Net." 27(2): 53-55, Mar.-Apr. 2003.
- "The UCE (Spam) War and its Impact on E-mail." Online
27(1): 55-57, Jan.-Feb. 2003.
- "RSS, Aggregators, and Reading the Blog Fantastic." Online
26(6): 52-54, Nov.-Dec. 2002.
- "The Blog Realm: News Sources, Searching with Daypop, and Content
Management." Online 26(5): 70-72, Sept.-Oct. 2002.
- "Free Full Text: FindArticles and MagPortal." Online
26(4): 54-56, July-Aug. 2002.
- "Dead Search Engines." Online 26(3): 62-64, May-June 2002.
- "The Wayback Machine: The Web's Archive." Online 26(2):
59-61, Mar.-Apr. 2002.
- "The Top-Level Domain Game." Online 26(1): 63-65,
Jan.-Feb. 2002.
- "Freshness Issue and Complexities with Web Search Engines."
Online 25(6): 66-68, Nov.-Dec. 2001.
- "Ready-Reference Collections: Bartleby and xrefer." Online
25(5): 66-68, Sept.-Oct. 2001.
- "Browser Diversity." Online 25(4): 66-68, July-Aug. 2001.
- "Tracking Title Search Capabilities." Online 25(3):
72-74, May-June 2001.
- "iWon: What Value for the Information Professional?" Online
25(2): 60-62, Mar.-Apr. 2001.
- "Customization Options for Web Searching." Online 25(1):
55-5, Jan.-Feb. 2001.
- "Searching Beyond Text: Multimedia Search Tools." Online
24(6): 63-66, Nov.-Dec. 2000.
- "Searching Beyond Text: Issues with Multimedia Searching." Online
24(5): 61-63, Sept.-Oct. 2000.
- "Server Side Includes for Site Management." Online 24(4):
78-80, July-Aug. 2000.
- "Up and Coming Search Technologies." Online 24(3): 75-77,
May-June 2000.
- "Search Engine Inconsistencies." Online 24(2): 66-68,
Mar.-Apr. 2000.
- "On the Net in 2000." Online 24(1): 71-73, Jan.-Feb. 2000.
- "Intricacies of Advertisement Information on the Web." Online
23(6): 79-81, Nov-Dec. 1999.
- "On-the-Fly Search Engine Analysis." Online 23(5):63-66,
Sept.-Oct. 1999.
- "Communications and Community on Web Sites." Online
23(4):65-68, July-Aug.1999.
- "Rising Relevance in Search Engines." Online 23(3):84-86,
May-June 1999.
- "Internet Current Awareness." Online 23(2):75-78,
March-April 1999.
- "Minimal Intranets for Libraries." Online 23(1):74-76,
Jan.-Feb. 1999.
- "Filtering the Email Storm." Online 22(6):64-66,
Nov.-Dec. 1998.
- "More Internet Search Strategies." Online 22(5):71-74,
Sept.-Oct. 1998.
- "DejaNews and Other Usenet Search Tools." Online
22(4):74-76 ,July-Aug. 1998.
- "Keyboard and Navigation Shortcuts." Online 22(3):48-50,
May-June 1998.
- "Toward More Comprehensive Web Searching: Single Searching Versus
Megasearching." Online 22(2):73-76, March-April 1998.
- "Looking Ahead to 1998 on the Net." Online 22(1):74-76,
Jan.-Feb. 1998.
- "New Features of the Web Indexes." Online 21(5):52-55,
- "Internet Search Strategies." Online 21(4):63-66,
July-August 1997.
- "Mega-Searching from the Desktop." Online 21(3):89-91,
May-June 1997.
- "Sending and Receiving Email Attachments." Online
21(2):85-87, March-April 1997.
- "Forecasts and an Internet Wish List." Online
21(1):56-58, Jan.-Feb. 1997.
- "Internet One Search with the Mega Search Engines." Online
20(6):36-39, Nov.-Dec. 1996.
- "Negotiating Netscape's Frames." Online 20(5):65-68,
Sept.-Oct. 1996.
- "Telnet, the Forgotten Internet Tool." Online
20(4):22-24, July-Aug. 1996.
- "Catch the Lightning: Keeping Current with the Net." Online
20(3):86-88, May-June 1996.
- "Internet Directions in 1996." Online 20(1):33-36,
January-February 1996.
- "Using CD-ROMs with the Internet." Online 19(6)40-44,
November-December 1995.
- "New Models of Online Interaction." Online 19(5):80-90,
September-October 1995.
- "Searching the World-Wide Web: Lycos, WebCrawler and More."
Online 19(4):48-53, July-August 1995.
- "Comparing Commercial WWW Browsers." Online 19(3):43-49,
May-June 1995.
- "Comparing Web Browsers: Mosaic, Cello, Netscape, WinWeb, and
InternetWorks Lite." Online 19(2):36-40, March-April 1995.
- "The Upgrade Upheaval: Moving From a Terminal Account to a Direct
Connection." Online 19(1):57-59, January-February 1995.
- "Troubleshooting the Internet." Online 18(5):110-112,
September-October 1994.
- "Lynx to the World-Wide Web." Online 18(4):78-82, July
- "Finding and Creating Finger Information." Online
18(3):108-111, May 1994.
- "Learing to FTP." Online 18(2):79-82, March 1994.
- "Telnet Explored." Online 18(1):94-97, January 1994.
- "The Low-End Power User." Online 17(6):87-89, November
- "Reading Usenet News: The rn and trn Newsreaders." Online
17(5):94-98, Sept. 1993.
- "Usenet: Taming the E-mail Flood." Online 17(4):86-88,
July 1993.
- "Using Gophers to Burrow Through the Internet." Online
17(3):100-102, May 1993.
- "The Internet Meets Online." Online 17(2):84-86, March
"Web Wanderings" column in EContent, Aug. 1999 - Dec. 2000.
- "Online Storage Opportunities." EContent 23(6): 62-64,
Dec. 2000
- "PubList and jake: Free Periodical Reference Sources." EContent
23(5): 64-67, Oct.-Nov. 2000
- "From the Web to WAP." EContent 23(4): 69-72, Aug.-Sept.
- "Finding Online Government Publications." EContent 23(3):
67-70, June-July 2000
- "Consumer's Revenge: Online Product Reviews and Ratings."
EContent 23(2): 61-64, April-May 2000
- "PubScience: Evolution or Devolution?" EContent 23(1):
64-67, Feb.-Mar. 2000
- "Raising Dead Links." EContent 22(6): 66-69, Dec. 1999.
- "A Multiplicity of Databases on Search Engines." EContent
22(5): 60-62, Oct.-Nov. 1999.
- "AltaVista's International Mirrors." EContent 22(4):
59-62, Aug.-Sept. 1999.
"On the Net" column in Database, April 1993-July 1999.
- "Searching for Current News." Database 22(3): 57-60,
June-July 1999.
- "The Many Faces of Inktomi." Database 22(2): 63-65,
April-May 1999.
- "Duplicative Databases: Yellow Pages from infoUSA." Database
22(1): 73-76, Feb.-Mar. 1999.
- "The Year Databases Moved to the Web." Database
21(6):56-58, Dec. 1998.
- "Government Metasites: Federal, State, and International."
Database 21(5):60-63, Oct.-Nov. 1998.
- "The Death of Open Text and the Birth of Livelink Pinstripe."
Database 21(4):86-89, Aug.-Sept. 1998.
- "Free Medlines on the Web." Database 21(3):71-75,
June-July 1998.
- "Tips for Evaluating Web Databases." Database
21(2):69-72, April.-May 1998.
- "FindLaw: Metasite Extraordinaire." Database 21(1):66-69,
Feb.-March 1998.
- "Refining the Internet in '97." Database 20(6):62-64,
Dec. 1997.
- "Measuring the Size of Internet Databases." Database
20(5):69-72, Oct.-Nov. 1997.
- "Periodicals on the Web." Database 20(4):85-88,
- "Searching the Hidden Internet." Database 20(3):37-40,
June-July 1997.
- "New Databases from the Internet Search Services." Database
20(2):72-74 April-May 1997.
- "Comparing Net Directories." Database 20(1):61-64,
Feb.-March 1997.
- "The Internet in 1996." Database 19(5):75-77, Dec. 1996.
- "Email Address Databases." Database 19(5):85-88,
Oct.-Nov. 1996.
- "The Internet as an Online Service: Bibliographic Databases on
the Net." Database 19(4):92-95, Aug.-Sep. 1996.
- "Searching the Web with Alta Vista." Database
19(3):86-88, June-July 1996.
- "Internet Ready Reference Resources." Database
19(2):88-91, April-May 1996.
- "The Internet Goes Commercial." Database 18(6):72-74,
December 1995.
- "Shopping, Security, and Shareware." Database
18(5):85-88, October-November 1995.
- "The InfoSeek Databases." Database 18(4):85-87,
August-September 1995.
- "Federal Legislation on the Internet." Database
18(3):84-87, June-July 1995.
- "The Dialog Home Page." Database 18(2):75-78, April-May
- "Making Sense of the Census." Database 18(1):78-80,
February-March 1995.
- "The Internet in 1994: New Interfaces and Databases." Database
17(6):79-81, December 1994.
- "The Internet Weather Channel." Database 17(5):95-98,
October-November, 1994.
- "SEC EDGAR and the Internet Town Hall." Database
17(4):77-81, August 1994.
- "The CIESIN for Global Change." Database 17(3):95-97,
June 1994.
- "The Clinton Review: Presidential Documents on the Net." Database
17(2): 80-83, April 1994.
- "LC's Debut on the Internet." Database 16(5):84-87,
October 1993.
- "Internet Database Review: UnCover." Database
16(4):99-102, August 1993.
- "Offspring of OPACs: Local Databases on the Net." Database
16(3):108-110, June 1993.
- "E-mail Lists as Databases." Database 16(2):106-108,
April 1993.
In-Depth Book Reviews
- "Directory to Fulltext Online Resources 1992." Database.
16(1):108, February 1993.
- "Rural Environmental Planning for Sustainable Communities." Green
Library Journal. 1(3):69-70, Fall 1992.
- "Inventing and Patenting Sourcebook: How to Sell and Protect Your
Ideas." Government Publications Review. 18(6):738-740, 1991.
- "The Guide to the Federal Budget: Fiscal 1991." Government
Publications Review. 18(3):289-290, 1991.
Capsule Book Reviews
- "Glacier Panorama." Montana Library Focus. 13(2):20, June
- "The Trail Guide to Bob Marshall Country." Montana Library
Focus. 12(4):16-17, December 1994.
- "Glacier National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park: A
Complete Recreation Guide." Montana Library Focus. 12(4):16-17,
December 1994.
- "Where the Waters Divide." Montana Library Focus.
(49):14, Dec. 1993.
- "Glacier Park Wildlife." Montana Library Focus.
(49):15-16 Dec. 1993.
- "Hiker's Guide to Glacier National Park" and "Short Hikes and
Strolls in Glacier National Park." Montana Library Focus.
(48):18, Sept. 1993.
- "The Montana Heritage." Montana Library Focus. (47):14,
June 1993.
- "Internet Passport: NorthWestNet's Guide to Our World Online."
Montana Library Focus. (47):12-13, June 1993.
- "Grinnell's Glacier." Montana Library Focus. (45):12,
Dec. 1992.
- "Trail of the Great Bear." Montana Library Focus.
(44):11, Sept. 1992.
- "Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks: A Traveler's Guide."
Montana Library Focus. (44):12, Sept. 1992.
- "The Trail Guide to Glacier National Park." Montana Library
Focus. (44):12, Sept. 1992.
- "Fishing Glacier National Park." Montana Library Focus.
(44):12, Sept. 1992.
- "Montana Wildlands." Montana Library Focus. (42):24, Mar.
- "Montana National Forests." Montana Library Focus.
(42):24, Mar. 1992
- "A Road Out of Snow." Library Focus. (40):11, 1991.
- "The Hiker's Guide to the Continental Divide Trail." Library Focus. (38):15, 1991.
- "Montana Wildlife Viewing Guide." Library Focus. (38):15, 1991.
- "National Forest Scenic Byways." Library Focus. (38):15, 1991.
- "Water and Sky." Library Focus. (37):13-14, December 1990.
Conference Presentations
- "Search Engines: Smarter Than ???." Internet Librarian Connect Online Conference. Oct. 20, 2020.
- "Searchers Academy: Futurizing Search." Internet Librarian Connect Online Conference. Oct. 19, 2020.
- "Smart Search: The New Frontier." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 21, 2019.
- "Data Lab for your Library." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 22, 2019. (With Amy Affelt)
- "Search 8.0: Vocal, Graphical, & the Rise of AI." Computers in Libraries Conference. Washington, March 26, 2019.
- "Search 8.0: Vocal, Graphical, & the Rise of AI." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 16, 2018.
- "Search: What’s New, What Works, & Expert Tips." Computers in Libraries Conference. Washington, April 17, 2018.
- "Data Visualization: Tools & Techniques." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 22, 2017.
- "Getting More From Web Search." Computers in Libraries Conference. Washington, March 27, 2017.
- "Power Searcher: Techniques & New Trends." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 17, 2016
- "New Approaches to Advanced Searching." WebSearch University Conference. Arlington, VA. Sept. 14, 2016.
- "Search Engine Update." WebSearch University Conference. Arlington, VA. Sept. 13, 2016.
- "Adventures in Advanced Search." Computers in Libraries 2016. Washington, March 8, 2016.
- Cybertour: "Managing Content: Citation Tools." Computers in Libraries 2016. Washington, March 8, 2016.
- Workshop: "Searchers' Academy: Hacking Search." Workshop. Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 25, 2015
- "Visualization: Making an Impact with Your Data." Outcomes, Value, & Impact: Metrics for Libraries Success. Los Angeles, Oct. 2, 2015. Online presentation via Skype. (Invited)
- "Visualization: Making an Impact with Your Data." Outcomes, Value, & Impact: Metrics for Libraries Success. Vancouver, Sept. 29, 2015. Online presentation via Skype. (Invited)
- "Visualization: Making an Impact with Your Data." Outcomes, Value, & Impact: Metrics for Libraries Success. Toronto, May 12, 2015. Online presentation via Skype. (Invited)
- "New Graph Searching: Interconnected Facts, Answers, & Failures." Computers in Libraries 2015. Washington, April 27, 2015.
- Workshop: "Data Visualization Tools & Techniques." Computers in Libraries 2015. Washington, April 26, 2015.
- Keynote: "Transforming Web Search: From Keyword to Knowledge Graph." VOGIN-IP Zoeken and Vinden 2015. Amsterdam. March 26, 2015. (Invited)
- Workshop: "Advanced Web Searching." VOGIN-IP Zoeken and Vinden 2015. Amsterdam. March 26, 2015. (Invited)
- "Cybertour: Evaluating Your Discovery Layer." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 28, 2014
- "Search: Social, Personal, & Everywhere." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 27, 2014
- "Searchers Academy: Hacking Google." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 26, 2014
- "Advanced Search Strategies." WebSearch University Conference. Arlington, VA. Sept. 30, 2014.
- "Graph and Semantic Search." WebSearch University Conference. Arlington, VA. Sept. 30, 2014.
- "Power Searching: Techniques, Discovery, & New Trends in Search." A Council of Chief Librarians California Community Colleges Workshop. Ontario, Calif. April 23, 2014 and Walnut Hills, California April 24, 2014. (Invited)
- "Searchers Academy Graduate Program." Workshop. Computers in Libraries 2014. Washington, April 10, 2014.
- "Avoiding the Filter Bubble." Cybertour. Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 28, 2013.
- "The New State of Search: Google, Discovery, & Apps." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 28, 2013.
- "Apps for Search." WebSearch University Conference. Washington. Sept. 11, 2013.
- "Escaping the Filter Bubble." Panel. WebSearch University Conference. Washington. Sept. 10, 2013.
- "Multimedia: Searching the Rest of the Web." WebSearch University Conference. Washington. Sept. 10, 2013.
- "SEO and Libraries." Web Search Pacific. Auckland, New Zealand. May 31, 2013. (Invited)
- "Web Search in 2013: New Trends, New Challenges." Web Search Pacific. Auckland, New Zealand. May 30, 2013. (Invited)
- "How Search Engines Work Today." Web Search Pacific. Wellington, New Zealand. May 27, 2013. (Invited)
- "Searching the Rest of the Web." Web Search Pacific. Christchurch, New Zealand. May 24, 2013. (Invited)
- "Mobile Discovery & Search." Computers in Libraries 2013. Washington, April 8, 2013.
- "Top Tips from Top Searchers." Panel. Computers in Libraries 2013. Washington, April 8, 2013.
- "Understanding Search Technology." Workshop. Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. April 8, 2013. (Invited)
- "Top Tips & Tools for Video Tutorials." Workshop. Computers in Libraries 2013. Washington, April 7, 2013.
- "Tools for Teaching." Internet
Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 23, 2012.
- "Google Search Secrets: 50 Tips." Internet
Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 22, 2012.
- "Comparative Search Showdown." WebSearch University Conference. Washington. Sept. 14, 2012.
- "Whither Advanced Search." WebSearch University Conference. Washington. Sept. 13, 2012.
- "Discovery Engines and Libraries." INFORUM 2012 Conference on
Professional Information Resources. Prague. May 23, 2012. Session Keynote. (Invited)
- "Search, Discovery, Serendipity, and New Directions for Search." INFORUM 2012 Conference on Professional Information Resources. Prague. May 22, 2012.
Opening Keynote. (Invited)
- "The Embeddable and Social Web – Sharing Content & Community on Web Sites." Workshop. INFORUM 2012 Conference on Professional Information Resources. Prague. May 21, 2012. (Invited)
- "Browsers Galore: Next Gen for Mobile, Tablets, E-Readers & PCs." Computers in Libraries 2012. Washington, March 21, 2012.
- "Discovery Dimensions: Pros & Cons." Computers in Libraries 2012. Washington, March 21, 2012.
- "Mini-Tutorials:
Quick Screencasts for Online Reference and Instruction." Workshop. Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. March 19, 2012. (Invited)
- "Updating Advanced Web Search Techniques." AIIP Webinar [Online]. March 15, 2012. (Invited)
- "Browser Battles: Next Generation of Browser Wars." Internet
Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 17, 2011.
- "Search Discovery Tools: A Blunt Update." Internet
Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 17, 2011.
- "Screencasting: Tips & Tricks for Fast & Easy Online Tutorials."
Workshop. Monterey. Oct. 16, 2011.
- "Expert Web Search Techniques." WebSearch University Conference.
Washington. Oct. 4, 2011
- "Browsing Through Browsers." WebSearch University Conference.
Washington. Oct. 3, 2011
- "Cloud Computing Tools for Searchers." Workshop. WebSearch University
Conference. Washington. Oct. 2, 2011.
- "CyberTour: Virtual Reference: Choices for Chat, IM, and SMS."
Computers in Libraries 2011. Washington, March 21, 2011.
- "Search Engine Update." Computers in Libraries 2011. Washington,
March 15, 2011.
- "CyberTour: Virtual Reference: Choices for Chat, IM, and SMS." Internet
Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct. 26, 2010.
- "Search Discovery Tools." Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey. Oct.
25, 2010.
- "Screencasting: Tips & Tricks for Fast & Easy Online Tutorials."
Workshop. Monterey. Oct. 24, 2010.
- "Advanced Search Strategies." WebSearch University Conference.
Washington. Sept. 28, 2010.
- "Deciphering Google." WebSearch University Conference. Washington. Sept.
27, 2010.
- "Web 2.0 in Practice: Hands-On With Web Software and Embedding." Workshop. MLA
Annual Meeting. Washington. May 21, 2010.
- "Advanced Search Techniques." WebSearch University Conference. Boston.
April 27, 2010.
- "Search Engine Update." WebSearch University Conference. Boston. April
26, 2010.
- "Google Gambol." Computers in Libraries 2010. Washington, April 14,
- "CyberTour: Screencast vs. Screenshot." Computers in Libraries 2010.
Washington, April 13, 2010.
- "Creating Online Tutorials in Less than Thirty Minutes." Workshop. MLA
of Southern California and Arizona. Glendale. Jan. 30, 2010.
- "Panel on Skills for the Future." MLA TriChapter Conference, Atlantic
City, NJ, October 6, 2009.
- "Hands-On Web 2.0: Collaboration, Embeddable Web, Online Software, and
New Ways of Sharing Information. Workshop. MLA TriChapter Conference, Atlantic
City, NJ, October 5, 2009.
- "Nitty-Gritty Details From the Search Trenches." WebSearch University
Conference. Washington. Sept. 15, 2009.
- "Books, Full Text and E ." WebSearch University Conference. Washington.
Sept. 14, 2009.
- "Creating Online Tutorials in Less than Thirty Minutes." Workshop. MLA
Annual Meeting. Honolulu. May 15, 2009.
- "Searching Conversations: Twitter, Facebook, & the Social Web."
Computers in Libraries 2009. Washington, March 30, 2009.
- "Advanced Web Searching Strategies: Part 2: Beyond the Web Databases."
SLA Click U Live [Online Lecture], March 25, 2009.
- "Advanced Web Searching Strategies: Part 1: Google and Friends." SLA
Click U Live [Online Lecture], March 11, 2009.
- "Searching Conversations: Twitter, Facebook, & the Social Web." Internet
Librarian Conference. Monterey, Oct. 20, 2008.
- "Web 2.0 Software and the Embeddable Web." SLA Click U Live! [Online
Lecture] Oct. 22, 2007. (Invited)
- "Flying with Web 2.0: Innovative Service Potential." South Central Chapter Medical Library Association
Annual Meeting. Dallas. Oct. 12, 2008. (Invited keynote)
- "The Year in Web Searching: News, Updates, and Changes at Google,
Yahoo!, Live, and More." SLA Click U Live! [Online Lecture] Oct. 8, 2008.
- "Hands-On Web 2.0." 2008 Continuing Education Update. Pacific Northwest Chapter Medical Library Association. Seattle Oct.
4, 2008. (Invited)
- "The Embeddable Web." Web Search University Conference. Washington,
Sept. 23, 2008. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Update." Web Search University Conference. Washington,
Sept. 22, 2008. (Invited)
- "Embedding Screenshots in Email: New Software Approaches." A
Reference Renaissance: Current and Future Trends. Denver, August 5, 2008.
- "Quick Screencasts for Distance Reference." A Reference
Renaissance: Current and Future Trends. Denver, August 5, 2008.
- "Wikipedia: Friend or Foe?" New Mexico Library Association Annual
Conference. Las Cruces. April 11, 2008. (Invited, presented via screencast
due to delayed flight)
- "Speed Searching Tips & Tricks for Speeding Up the Search Process"
Computers in Libraries 2008. Washington, April 9, 2008.
- "Google Tracking: What's New at Google & Its Competitors." Computers in
Libraries 2008. Washington, April 9, 2008.
- "2.0 Pecha Kucha—Conversation Face-Off!"
(Panel Member) Computers in Libraries 2008. Washington, April 8, 2008.
- "Search - Getting Serious." Online Information Conference. London, Dec.
4, 2007. Track keynote.
- "Solve Your Search Dilemmas - Ask the Experts!" Panel. Online
Information Conference. London, Dec. 4, 2007. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Strategies: Digging Deeply." Internet Librarian
Conference. Monterey, Oct. 31, 2007.
- Cybertour: "New Software for Quick Online Tutorials. Internet Librarian
Conference. Monterey, Oct. 30, 2007.
- "Web Searching: Advanced Techniques for Google and Beyond." SLA Click U
Live! [Online Lecture] Oct. 9, 2007. (Invited)
- "Web 2.0 and Medical Librarians: Tech, Search, & Books." Pacific
Northwest Chapter of the Medical Library Association Meeting. Billings, Oct.
1, 2007. (Invited keynote)
- "Customizing Your Search Engine." Web Search University Conference.
Washington, Sept. 18, 2007. (Invited)
- "Advanced Search Strategies." Web Search University Conference.
Washington, Sept. 17, 2007. (Invited)
- "Search, Health Information, and Librarians: Using the Best of Both Web
2.0 and 1.0." Canadian Health Libraries Association Annual Conference,
Ottawa, May 30, 2007. (Invited keynote)
- "Search Engine Update." Web Search University Conference. Philadelphia,
April 30, 2007. (Invited)
- "Customizing Your Search Engine." Web Search University Conference.
Philadelphia, May 1, 2007. (Invited)
- "Web Searching for All." Montana Library Association Conference. Helena,
April 27, 2007. (Invited)
- "Book Search Engines Update." Computers in Libraries 2007. Washington,
April 18, 2007. (Invited)
- "Screencasting for Quick Online Instruction." Offline Retreat. Bozeman,
Feb. 23, 2007. (Invited)
- "Teaching Web Searching and Google." [Online Web Conference] Education
Institute. Tech Tuesdays, Feb. 20, 2007. (Invited)
- "New Search Strategies: Advanced Techniques, Approaches, & Sources."
Internet Librarian. Monterey, Oct. 23, 2006. (Invited)
- "Training Tutorial Tour & Tips." Internet Librarian. Monterey, Oct. 25,
2006. (Invited)
- "Comparing Book Search Engines." Internet Librarian. Monterey, Oct. 25,
2006. (Invited)
- "Reinventing Ourselves as Internet Librarians." Keynote Address. Internet
Librarian International, London, Oct. 17, 2006. (Invited)
- "Creating Online Tutorials in Less Than 30 Minutes." Southern Chapter &
Mid Atlantic Chapter, Medical Library Association, Joint Conference. Atlanta,
Oct. 13, 2006. (Invited)
- "Advanced Web Searching: Tips & Techniques." Workshop for SLA Georgia.
Oct. 13, 2006. (Invited)
- "Book Search Meets the Web." WebSearch University Conference, Washington,
DC. Sept. 19, 2006. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Smarts." WebSearch University Conference, Washington, DC.
Sept. 18, 2006. (Invited)
- "New Technologies & Approaches and Their Impact on Libraries." Info 2006
Conference. Tel Aviv, May 31, 2006. (Invited)
- "Beyond Google." Info 2006 Conference. Tel Aviv, May 31, 2006. (Invited)
- "New Web Alerting & Collaboration Tools." Info 2006 Conference. Tel Aviv,
May 30, 2006. (Invited)
- "Transformation of the Librarian's Duties." Info 2006 Conference. Tel
Aviv, May 29, 2006. (Invited)
- "Searching U.S. Government Information." Presentation at the Information
Resource Center at the American Center, Jerusalem, May 26, 2006.
- "Book Search Meets the Web." WebSearch University Conference. New York,
NY, May 24, 2006. (Invited)
- "Searching Inside the Covers." Computers in Libraries 2006, Washington,
DC, March 22, 2006. (Invited)
- Endnote Address: "Web Search
Training: The Librarian Advantage." Alaska Library Association Annual
Conference, Anchorage, Feb. 26, 2006. (Invited)
- "Screencasting for Quick Online Tutorials." Alaska Library
Association Annual Conference, Anchorage, Feb. 25, 2006. (Invited)
- "Teaching Google Print, Google
Scholar, and Google Libraries." Alaska Library Association Annual
Conference, Anchorage, Feb. 25, 2006. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Update." (with Gary Price) Internet Librarian
2005, Monterey, CA, Oct. 26, 2005. (Invited)
- "Searching Inside the Covers." Internet Librarian 2005, Monterey,
CA, Oct. 25, 2005.
- "Search Engine Snake Oil." Idaho Library Association Conference,
Pocatello, Oct. 6, 2005.
- "Digital Library Resources." Idaho Library Association
Conference, Pocatello, Oct. 6, 2005. (Invited)
- "Google Scholar." Idaho Library Association Conference,
Pocatello, Oct. 6, 2005. (Invited)
- "The New Look of Blogging." (Panel) WebSearch University,
Washington, DC, Sept. 20, 2005. (Invited)
- "Google and Beyond." 2005 APRA International Conference, San
Diego, Aug. 11, 2005. (Invited)
- "New Search Engine Initiatives
in the Age of Google Dominance." (keynote) Eighth Southern African
Online Information Meeting, Pretoria, June 22, 2005. (Invited)
- "Global, Local & Multilingual Search Techniques." WebSearch
Academy Conference, Paris, June 2, 2005. (Invited)
- "Recent Developments in Web Search." WebSearch Academy
Conference, Paris, June 1, 2005. (Invited)
- "Going Beyond Command Line Searching." WebSearch University
Conference, New York, NY, April 17, 2005. (Invited)
- "The Changing Landscape of Search." 2005 DigitalNow, April 1,
2005. (Invited)
- "Start Your Engines." Computers in Libraries 2005, Washington,
Mar. 18, 2005. (Invited)
- "The Challenge of Teaching Web Searching." Internet Librarian
International, London, Oct. 12, 2004. (Invited)
- "Web Searching for Scientific
and Technical Information." Keynote address. Pretraživanje Znanstvenih
Informacija (Searching the Scientific Information), Zagreb, Croatia,
Nov. 5, 2004 (Invited)
- "The Future of Scientific Literature." City Library Zadar,
Croatia, Nov. 4, 2004. (Invited)
- "Searching Newsgroups and Blogs." WebSearch University
Conference, Washington, DC, Sept. 28, 2004. (Invited)
- "New and Advanced Search Techniques." WebSearch University
Conference, Washington, DC, Sept. 27, 2004. (Invited)
- "The New Power Web Searcher:
Advanced Commands, Shortcuts, and Search Strategies." Copenhagen and
Stockholm, April 26 & 28, 2004.(Invited)
- "Advanced Web Searching." New Jersey Library Association
Conference, Long Branch, NJ, April 19, 2004. (Invited)
- "The Future of Search: Search
Engines' Search for Success." Florida Library Association Annual
Conference, Daytona Beach, March 23, 2004. (Invited)
- "The Wild, Wild Web: Spam Wars." Computers in Libraries 2004,
Washington, Mar. 12, 2004. (Invited)
- "Evolution of Search Engines: Update." Computers in Libraries
2004, Washington, Mar. 12, 2004. (Invited)
- "Looking Beyond Google" in Mumbai at the American Information
Resource Center, March 3, 2004. (Invited)
- "Searching, Linking and Meta Tags" in Kolkata, March 1, 2004.
- "Effect of Internet on
Academic Society" in Patiala at the Annual Congress of the Indian
Association for American Studies, Feb. 27, 2004. (Invited)
- "Present and Future Services
for the Digital Library: Searching, Linking and Meta Tags."
International Conference on Digital Libraries (ICDL) 2004, New Delhi,
Feb. 25, 2004. (Invited)
- "The Future Directions of Resources on the Web" in Delhi at the
American Information Resource Center, Feb. 23, 2004. (Invited)
- "Digital Library Resources:
New Potential and Old Perils" Ranganathan Annual Lecture in Chennai and
Bangalore, Feb. 18 & 20, 2004. (Invited)
- "Understanding Search Engine Technology" in Bangalore, Feb. 20,
2004. (Invited)
- "Web Searching Strategies and Advanced Techniques" in Chennai,
Delhi, Chandigarh, and Mumbai, Feb. 2004. (Invited)
- "Web Searching in 2004." Internet Librarian 2003, Monterey, Nov.
6, 2003. (Invited)
- "Harvesting Blogs for Emergent Information." Internet Librarian
2003, Monterey, Nov. 4, 2003. (Invited)
- "A Google Gambol: Advanced Tricks and Techniques." Internet
Librarian 2003, Monterey, Nov. 3, 2003. (Invited)
- "From Web Wandering to
Insightful Searching: Techniques for Teaching Web Searching." Iowa
Library Association Conference, Cedar Rapids, October 15, 2003.
- Panel: "Search Economics: Industry Analyst Roundtable." Search
Engine Strategies Conference, San Jose, Aug. 18, 2003. (Invited)
- "Browser Tips &
Tricks: Shortcuts for Speed & Efficiency." Web Search
University Conference. Washington, Sept. 9, 2003. (Invited)
- "Power Web Searching." Web Search University Conference.
Washington, Sept. 8, 2003. (Invited)
- "The Power Searcher: Using
Search Engines and Browsers to Their Fullest." Alberta L. Brown
Lecture, Kalamazoo, May 22, 2003. (Invited)
- "Browser Tips." InfoToday and National Online 2003, New York, May
6, 2003. (Invited)
- "Web Search Secrets: Advanced Features & Failures." InfoToday
and National Online 2003, New York, May 6, 2003. (Invited)
- "Where Has All the Data Gone?:
Database Cleaning and Homeland Security." Computers in Libraries 2003,
Washington, Mar. 14, 2003. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Showdown Update: The Shifting Sands of Search."
Computers in Libraries 2003, Washington, Mar. 14, 2003. (Invited)
- "Web Search Instruction: Tips & Techniques from the Trenches." Computers in Libraries 2003, Washington, Mar. 12, 2003. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Tools and Techniques: An Update." Online
Information 2002, London, Dec. 3, 2002. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Snake Oil." Internet Librarian 2002, Palm Springs,
Nov. 6, 2002. (Invited)
- "Search Engines: Getting Under the Hood." Web Search University
Conference, Chicago Oct. 22, 2002. (Invited)
- "Advanced Web Searching Workshop." Pacific Northwest Library
Association Annual Conference, Missoula, Aug. 7, 2002. (Invited)
- "Teaching Web Searching Workshop." Pacific Northwest Library
Association Annual Conference, Missoula, Aug. 7, 2002. (Invited)
- Panelist on "Not Business As
Usual" Panel Session. Information Today/National Online Meeting 2002,
New York, May 13, 2002. (Invited)
- "The Incredible Internet
Search Engines: Academic Librarians' Friend or Foe?" Wisconsin
Association of Academic Librarians Spring Meeting, Green Lake WI, April
18, 2002. (Invited)
- "Web Search Update." Internet Librarian International London,
March 20, 2002. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Update." Computers in Libraries Washington, DC,
March 13, 2002. (Invited)
- "Web Searching Strategies: An
Exploration of Advanced Techniques." Norwegian Online Users Group
(NOLUG) Winter Workshop. Oslo. Dec. 7, 2001. (Invited)
- "Advanced Internet Searching: An Update on Techniques." Online
Information 2001. London. Dec. 3, 2001.
- "Advanced Web Searching." Internet Librarian 2001. Pasadena, CA.
Nov. 6, 2001. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Survivors." Keynote Address. Web Search
University. Reston, VA. Sept. 11, 2001. (Invited)
- "Evaluating Search Engines"
and "How Major Search Engines Don't Work." Search Engine Strategies,
San Francisco, Aug. 17, 2001. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Seminar."
Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement Northwest
Annual Conference, Seattle, May 24, 2001. (Invited)
- "Advanced Web Searching Workshop." Information Today/National
Online Meeting, May 12-15, 2001. (Invited)
- "Power Web Searching." Web Search University Conference. Chicago.
May 8, 2001. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Panel: Death and Databases." Search Engine Meeting
2001, Boston April 9, 2001. (Invited)
- "Web Searching: Current Issues
and Advanced Techniques." Workshop for Danish Library Group,
Copenhagen, March 29, 2001. (Invited)
- Participant on the "WebWizards' Roundtable." Internet Librarian
International 2001, London, March 27, 2001. (Invited)
- Participant on the "Search Engine Panel." Computers in Libraries
2001, Washington, DC, March 16, 2001. (Invited)
- "Focus Session: Search Engines Showdown." Information Online
2001. Sydney, Australia. Jan. 17, 2001.
- "Search Engines Update: News, Views, and Reviews." Online
Information 2000. London. Dec. 6, 2000. (Invited)
- "The Engine Environment." Internet Librarian 2000. Monterey, CA.
Nov. 7, 2000. (Invited)
- "Web Site Design Tips and Techniques for SSI, CSS, and CGI."
Internet Librarian 2000. Monterey, CA. Nov. 6, 2000. (Invited)
- "Warp Speed Web." Online World 2000, San Diego, CA. Sept.
19, 2000. (Invited)
- "Choosing & Using Internet Search Engines IV." SLA Annual
Conference, Philadelphia. June 13, 2000. (Invited)
- "Teaching Internet Searching:
Issues, Applications, and Approaches." LOEX of the West Conference,
Bozeman. June 7, 2000. (Invited)
- "Internet Search Engines:
Change, Growth, and New Opportunities." Information Management 2000,
Stockholm, Sweden. May 3, 2000. (Invited)
- "CyberCruise: Notess' Notable Government Sites" Internet
Librarian International 2000, London, March 19-22, 2000. (Invited)
- "Web Site Design Tips and
Techniques for SSI, CSS, and CGI." Computers in Libraries 2000,
Washington, DC, March 14-17, 2000. (Invited)
- "Searching the Web: Search
Engine Inconsistencies and Successful Strategies." Sökmaskiner
och cyberbyar. Stockholm, Sweden. Nov. 9, 1999. (Invited)
- "Search Engines: Failures, Glitches, and Solutions." Online
World '99. Chicago, IL. Oct. 27, 1999. (Invited)
- Panel member, "Searching Today: Strategies & Tips from the
Experts." Online World '99. Chicago, IL. Oct. 27, 1999.
- Panel member, Closing Wrap-Up Session. Online World '99. Chicago,
IL. Oct. 27, 1999. (Invited).
- "The Search Engine Serengeti:
Charting a Route Through the Wild Web." The George Mandel Memorial
Seminar. Cleveland, OH. For the Cleveland Chapter of the Special
Libraries Association. September 21, 1999. (Invited)
- "Search Engine Showdown: A
Presentation." Mountain Plains Library Association/ Montana Library
Association Joint Conference. Big Sky, MT, June 16, 1999.
- "Databases, Changes, and New
Players" at the "Choosing & Using Internet Search Engines Part
III" session for the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference.
Minneapolis, MN. June 8, 1999.
- "Power Internet Searching:
Web, News, Email, Usenet, and More - La recherche Internet
avancé: le Web, les nouvelles, le courrier
électronique, Usenet et plus encore." Workshop for the
Eastern Canada Chapter of the Special Libraries Association.
Montréal, Québec. April 16, 1999.(Invited)
- "Search Engines and Portals: A
Librarian's Analysis" Internet Librarian International '99. London,
England. March 30, 1999. (Invited)
- "Search Engines." Offline (Montana Library Association). Bozeman,
MT. Feb. 27, 1999.
- "Comparing Internet Search Engines." Information Online & On
Disc '99. Sydney, Australia. Jan. 19, 1999. (Invited)
- "Resource Roundtable:
Government, Legislative & Legal Web Resources" with Donna
Scheeder and Elizabeth Kenney. Internet Librarian 1998. Monterey, CA,
November 2, 1998. (Invited)
- "Government Information Content Review." Online World
'98, Washington, D.C., October 14, 1998.
- "Web Search Engines" at Access '98. Saskatoon, SK, Oct. 4, 1998
- "Advanced Internet Searching with Major Net Finding Aids"
Computers in Libraries '98. Washington, DC, March 1, 1998.
- "Librarians Talk to Search Engines." Panel member. Internet
Librarian '97. Monterey, CA, November 17, 1997. (Invited).
- "Search Engine Showdown."
Montana Library Association, Academic and Special Library Division
Retreat, Three Forks, Oct. 3, 1997 (Invited).
- "Comparing Internet Search Engines." Online World '97,
Washington, D.C., September 16, 1997 (Invited, with Marty Courtois).
- "Evaluating Internet Search
Engines." Presenter and panel member. Special Library Association
Annual Conference, Seattle, June 11, 1997. (Invited)
- "Web Site Evolution: Controlling the Monster" with Jan Zauha,
Computers in Libraries Conference, Washington, DC, March 11, 1997.
- "WWW Search Engines." Montana Library Association Offline
Retreat. Helena. Feb. 7, 1997. (Invited)
- "Internet Search Engines." Headwaters Library Association.
Bozeman. November 16, 1996.
- "Internet Trends and Technologies Briefings: Internet Search
Engines." Online World, Washington, DC, Oct. 29, 1996. (Invited)
- "Web Access: The Browsers Wars." Special Library Association
Annual Conference, Boston, June 10, 1996. (Invited)
- "Internet and the World-Wide
Web: A Crash Course." Pre-conference Workshop, Online/ CD-ROM '95,
Chicago, Oct. 29, 1995 (Invited).
- "Advanced Internet Training:
Using the Internet as an Information Resources." Pre-conference
Workshop, Online/CD-ROM '95, Chicago, Oct. 29, 1995 (Invited).
- "Hold the Presses: News
Flashes from Cyberspace, Panel and Demonstration." Panel member with
Barry Brown and Rick Gates. Internet Training and Access: Fall '95
Workshop. Helena, Sept. 23, 1995 (Invited).
- "Hunting and Gathering on the
Net." A 90 minute presentation at Telecommunications &
Multimedia: An On-Line Symposium for K-12 Educators. Bozeman, June 27,
1995 (Invited).
- "Beyond E-mail." A three-hour
workshop presented at the Society for Automotive Engineers
International Congress, February 28, 1995, Detroit, MI (Invited).
- "Internet Connections." A 40
minute session presented at the Society for Automotive Engineers
International Congress, February 28, 1995, Detroit, MI (Invited).
- "Getting Connected to the
Internet: Understanding Your Access Options." Online/ CD-ROM '94, San
Francisco, Oct. 24, 1994 (Invited).
- "The Many Faces of the Internet." Online/ CD-ROM '94, San
Francisco, Oct. 24, 1994 (Invited).
- "Internet Basics: A Crash Course." Pre-conference Workshop,
Online/ CD-ROM '94, San Francisco, Oct. 22, 1994 (Invited).
- "Advanced Internet Training:
Power Use of Dial-Up Connections." Pre-conference Workshop, Online/
CD-ROM '94, San Francisco, Oct. 22, 1994 (Invited).
- "Comparing Clients." Fall
Retreat of the Academic and Special Library Division of the Montana
Library Association, October 1, 1994 (Invited).
- "Drivers' Ed for the
Information Highway: Adventures for Attorneys." Technology,
Telecommunications and the Law, Helena, Sept. 12, 1994 (Invited).
- "The Internet: A New Information Resources." Tribal Librarians
Workshop, Bozeman, July 12, 1994 (Invited).
- "Beyond the Basics: Applying
Internet Resources." Special Libraries Association 85th Annual
Conference, Atlanta, GA, June 14, 1994 (Invited).
- "The Internet: Gateway to New Information Sources." Florida
Library Association, Orlando, FL, May 13, 1994 (Invited).
- "The Internet: Access, Use, and New Features." Montana Library
Association Offline/WLN Retreat, Missoula, Jan 14, 1994.
- "Driver's Ed for the Nets:
On-Ramps and Basic Driving Techniques." Online/CD-ROM 1993, Washington,
DC, Nov. 1, 1993 (Invited, with Louis Drummond).
- "Reference Uses of the
Internet." Pacific Northwest Library Association/Montana Library
Association Joint Conference, Kalispell, August 12, 1993.
- "Riding the Internet: An
Introduction to the World of Networked Information." Online/CD-ROM 1992
Conference, Chicago, Oct. 26-28, 1992 (two-hour workshop presented four
- "Searching the Internet:
Hands-on Workshop Exploring Cyberspace." (presented with Barry Brown)
1992 Montana Library Association Conference, Bozeman, April 26, 1992.
- "Library Use of the Networks." Tribal College Librarians'
Workshop, Bozeman, April 3, 1992.
- "Networked Information Sources for Physics." MSU Physics
Colloquium, Bozeman, March 13, 1992.
- "Using the Internet for
Increased Information Access and Retrieval." Poster Session presented
at the Online/CD-ROM '91 Conference, San Francisco, November 12, 1991.
- "Internet Information
Resources." Montana Library Association, Academic/Special Libraries
Section Fall Retreat, Three Forks, September 28, 1991.
- "Information Resources
Accessible on the Internet." (Presented in absentia) Montana Library
Association 1991 Annual Conference, Missoula, April 25, 1991.
Clients have included the following:
- 3M
- AltaVista Corporation
- Bozeman Public Library
- Cable and Telecommunications Association for Marketing (CTAM)
- Data Downlink, Inc.
- Fast Search and Transfer
- FirstGov
- InfoSpace
- Inktomi Corporation
- FirstGov
- Gerson Lehrman Group
- Metropolitan Cooperative Library System
- Pegasus Gold
- St. Johns River Water Management District
- Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America
Selected Musical Performances
Bozeman Symphony, principal horn, performances:
- 2018: Feb. 3-4.
- 2017: July 4, April 8-9, March 4-5, Feb. 10-11, Feb. 4-5.
- 2016: Dec. 10-11, Oct. 29-30, Sept. 24-25, July 4.
Bozeman Symphony, section horn player, performances:
- 2017: Dec. 9-10, Oct. 28-29, Sept. 30-Oct. 1.
- 2016: April 9-10, March 5-6, Feb. 12-13, Feb. 6-7.
- 2015: Dec. 12-13, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, Sept. 19-20, July 4, April 11-12, March 7-8, Feb. 13-14, Feb. 7.
- 2014: Dec. 13, Oct. 25, Sept. 27, July 4, April 5-6, March 1-2, Feb. 7-8, Feb. 1-2.
- 2013: Dec. 31, Sept. 28-29, July 4, April 13-4, March 2-3, Feb. 8-9, Feb. 2-3.
- 2012: Dec. 31, Oct. 27-28, Sept. 22-23, March 31-April 1, March 3-4, Feb.
10-11, Feb. 4-5.
- 2011: Dec. 10-11, Nov. 12, Oct. 29-30, Sept. 24-25, April 2-3, March 5-6,
Feb. 11-12, Feb. 5-6.
- 2010: Dec. 11-12, Nov. 13, Oct. 16-17, Sept. 25-26, April 10-11, March
6-7, Feb. 12-13, Feb. 6-7
- 2009: Dec. 12-13, Nov. 14, Oct. 24-25, Sept. 26-27, April 4-5, March 7-8,
Feb. 13-14, Feb. 7-8
- 2008: Dec. 13-14, Nov. 15, Oct. 25-26, Sept. 27-28, April 5-6, March 1-2,
Feb. 8-9, Feb. 2-3
- 2007: Nov. 17, Oct. 27-28, Sept. 29-30, April 14-15, March 3-4, Feb. 9-10,
Feb. 3-4
- 2006: Dec. 9-10, Nov. 18, Oct. 28-29, Sept. 22-23, April 8, March 4-5,
Feb. 10-11, Feb. 4-5
- 2005: Dec. 10-11, Nov. 19, Oct. 29-30, Sept. 24-25, April 9, March 5-6, Feb. 11-12, Feb. 5-6
- 2004: Nov. 20, Oct. 30-31, July 31, Apr. 3-4, Feb. 7-8
- 2003: Dec. 13-14, Oct. 25-26, Sept. 27-28, Apr. 5, Mar. 1-2, Feb. 7-8, Feb. 1-2
- 2002: Sept. 28-29, Apr. 6, Mar. 2, Feb. 3
- 2001: Dec. 8-9, Nov. 17, Oct. 26, Sept. 22, July 14, Apr. 7, Mar. 3, Feb. 4
- 2000: Apr. 1, Mar. 4, Feb. 5
- 1999: Dec. 11, Sept. 25, April 10, Feb. 9
- 1998: Dec. 13, Oct. 30, Sept. 26, April 4, March 7, Feb. 7
- 1997: Dec. 14, Oct. 25, Sept. 27, April 12
- 1996: Sept. 28, March 3
- 1995: Oct. 24, Feb. 10
- 1994: March 5
- 1993: Oct. 23
- 1992: March 1
- 1991: December 8, February 10
Big Sky Music Festival Orchestra, Performances:
- Concert, Big Sky, Section Horn, Aug. 13, 2017.
- Concert, Big Sky, Section Horn, Aug. 14, 2016.
- Concert, Big Sky, Section Horn, Aug. 9, 2015.
- Concert, Big Sky, Principal Horn, Aug. 10, 2014.
Great Falls Symphony, Section Horn Player, Performances:
- Jan. 17 2015, March 15, 2014
Helena Symphony, Section Horn Player, Performances:
- Dec. 8, 2013, May 5, 2012, Feb. 25, 2012, March 26, 2011, Mar. 27, 2010; Feb. 27, 2010; and Dec. 18,
Billings Symphony, Section Horn Player, Performances:
- Oct. 7, 2000, April 20, 1991, and February 2, 1991
406 Quintet (MSU Faculty Wind Quintet), Horn Player, 2014-2018
- MSU Faculty Chamber Recital, Feb. 13, 2018
- Recruiting trip and in-school performances, Great Falls, MT, Nov. 17, 2017
- Recital at Tippet Rise, July 16, 2017
- MSU Faculty Chamber Recital, March 29, 2017
- MSU Music Faculty Recital, Feb. 25, 2016
- Arts Without Boundaries Recital, Billings, MT, Feb. 18, 2016
- Recruiting trip and in-school performances, Billings, MT, Feb. 18-19, 2016
- Noon Notes Concert, Bozeman Public Library, Feb. 1, 2016
- Recruiting trip and in-school performance, Lewiston, MT, May 21, 2015
- MSU Music Faculty Recital, Feb. 24, 2015
- College of Arts and Architecture Research Forum performance, Jan. 28, 2015
- Recital, Jan. 27, 2015.
Bozeman Trail Chamber Players, Horn Player, 2014-2018
- Recital, Anaconda, MT, Feb. 28, 2018
- Montessori Students Performance, Bozeman, MT, Feb. 8, 2018
- Recital, Big Timber, MT, Jan. 18, 2018
- Anderson School Performance, Feb. 23, 2017
- Electric Peak Arts Council Concert, Gardiner, MT, Jan. 27, 2017
- Recital, Virginia City, MT, Sept. 10, 2016
- Heck/Quaw Elementary School Performance, Belgrade, Jan. 28, 2016
- Whitehall High School Performance, Jan. 27, 2016
- MSU Child Development Center Performance, Oct. 22, 2015
- Monforton School Performance, April 10, 2015
Gallatin Woodwind Quintet, Horn Player, Fall 1999-2014
- Recital: April 27, 2014 in Livingston
- Recital: April 19, 2013 in Big Timber
- Recital: June 17, 2012 in Georgetown, MT.
- Emerson Lunch on the Lawn: July 6, 2011
- Recital: June 8, 2011 in West Yellowstone
- Recital: Jan. 7, 2011 at Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel
- Recital: Aug. 8, 2010 in Georgetown, MT.
- Recital: May 13, 2010 in Dillon, MT.
- Recital: Feb. 28, 2010.
- Recital: Jan. 23, 2010.
- Recital, April 29, 2009.
- Recital, Feb. 22, 2008.
- Montana Chamber Music Workshop Faculty Recital, June 18, 2008.
- Department Music Fest, Nov. 16, 2007.
- Performance, Bozeman Public Library, Oct. 22, 2007.
- Montana Chamber Music Workshop Faculty Recital, June 20, 2007.
- Music Department Faculty Performance, Nov. 29, 2006.
- Recital at Livingston Public Library. Apr. 23, 2006.
- Music Department Faculty Performance, Mar. 29, 2006.
- Music Department Faculty Performance, Nov. 4, 2005
- Clarinet Festival Performance, Oct. 8, 2005
- Faculty Concert, Feb. 9, 2005
- Faculty Concert, April 21, 2004.
- Far Afield Recital, Mar. 19, 2003.
- Woodwind Quintet Concerto performance with MSU Wind Ensemble May
2, 2003.
- Perform in Annual Chamber Music Festival Faculty Recital, June
22, 2003.
- Singapore Concert Tour July 1-5, 2002.
- Faculty Concert, October 2, 2001.
- Performed with the Gallatin Woodwind Quintet, Bozeman, March 20,
- Faculty Concert, Gallatin Woodwind Quintet, October 4, 1995.
- Concert Tour in Japan, July 8-14, 1995.
- Gallatin Woodwind Quintet Benefit Concert, June 27, 1995.
Parforce hunting horn ensemble
- Performances: July 9, 2011, June 28, 2008, March 28, 2005,
June 27, 2004, Dec. 18, 2003, Sept. 28, 1997, May 1, 1997, Feb. 28,
1997, Sept. 13-18, 1996, Feb. 16, 1996
- Hunting Horn Concert, with world premiere of the Gallatin
Fanfare by Lowell Greer, Feb. 19, 1997
- Nutcracker Ballet, Principal, Dec. 1-2, 2017
- Symphony at the Shane, Carl Reinecke Trio for Piano, Oboe, and Horn. May 18, 2017
- Intermountain Opera Association, Tosca. Section Horn, May 12, 14, 2017.
- MSU Wind Symphony Concert, Horn Soloist for David Maslanka “A Child’s Garden of Dreams.” Jan. 28, 2017
- Nutcracker Ballet, Principal, Dec. 2-3, 2016
- Intermountain Opera Association, Don Giovanni. Section Horn, May 13, 15, 2016.
- World Premiere, Flight of the Phenom by Jay Smith. Gilhousen Funeral, April 30, 2016
- Sila: The Breath of the World Live Sound Installation/Performance, April 23,2016
- Strange & Unusual Concert. MSU. Nov. 16, 2015; Velocity Meadows, Five Dream Episodes for solo oboe, chamber winds, electronics, & video. Composition by Christopher Stark with visuals by Andrew Lucia, 2015.
- Intermountain Opera Association, Don Pasquale. Principal Horn, Oct. 9,11, 2015
- Big Sky Music Festival Orchestra, Section Horn, Aug. 9 2015.
- Violin Alone documentary recording, July 2, 2015
- Nutcracker Ballet, Dec. 5-6, 2014
- Intermountain Opera Association, HMS Pinafore. Principal Horn, Oct. 10-12, 2014.
- Intermountain Opera Association, Cenerentola. Section Horn, May 16 and 18, 2014.
- Montana TheatreWorks, White Christmas, Principal Horn, Dec. 19-20, 2013
- Intermountain Opera Association, La Traviata. Principal Horn, Oct. 11 & 13, 2013
- Intermountain Opera Association, Cosi Fan Tutte. Section Horn, Oct. 10, 12, 14, 2012
- Nutcracker Ballet, Dec. 3-4, 2011
- Intermountain Opera Association, Barber of Seville. Section Horn,
May 11, 13, 15, 2011
- Nutcracker Ballet, Dec. 4-5, 2010
- Intermountain Opera Association, Bravo! An Opera Celebration. Principal
Horn, Oct. 8, 10, 2010
- Nutcracker Ballet, Principal Horn, Dec. 5-6, 2009
- Amahl and the Night Visitors, Principal Horn, Dec. 17-18, 2008
- Intermountain Opera Association. Manon Lescaut. Principal Horn. May 10,
12, 14, 2006
- Nutcracker Ballet Orchestra, principal horn, Dec. 3-4, 2005
- Horn Ensemble Concert April 8, 2003
- Intermountain Opera
Association, section horn player for Aida, performances: May 14,16,18,
- Montana TheatreWorks, principal horn, Sound of Music, performance:
June 20,21,22,25-29, 2003
- Performed with the Gallatin Chamber Orchestra, Jan. 19, 1997
- Amahl and The Night Visitors, principal horn, December 22 & 23,
- Mozart in Montana festival: performance with the String Orchestra of the
Rockies for the Mozart Gala concert, November 21, 1991
- Soloist in Hubler's Concerto for Four Horns performed with the
Montana State University Symphonic Band, May 31, 1991
To the MSU Library
- Library Instructional Services Program Leader Search Committee. Chair. Oct. 2016-June 2017
- Instruction Advisory Group, 2016-2018
- Primo Operating Group, 2016-2018
- Montana Academic Library Shared Library Management Service RFP Scoring Team. Nov.-Dec. 2015
- Intranet Working Group. Feb. 2014-Feb. 2015
- Electronic Resources and Discovery Librarian Search Committee. Jan.-May 2014.
- Stacks Space Reduction Group. Nov. 2013-2014
- Executive Team. Oct. 2012-Dec. 2013
- Library Review Committee, July 2012-June 2013
- Library Faculty Advisory Council, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2013
- Public Services Group, July 2008-Dec. 2013
- User Experience Group (formerly Web Content Group), Jan. 2008-2018
- Summon Assessment Group, 2011-2013
- Reference Librarian Search Committee, Chair, Jan.-May 2011
- Library Review Committee, Sept. 2008-July 2011
- Instruction and Outreach Librarian Search Committee, Chair, Sept.
2007-Jan. 2008
- Collection Development Reference Work Group, Chair, Feb. - Aug. 2007
- Web Design Work Group, July 2007-Jan. 2008
- Reference Librarian Search Committee, Chair, Oct. 2005-April 2006
- Library Faculty Advisory Council, Jan. 2005-Nov. 2005
- Library Credit Course Review Committee Chair, Aug. 2004-Feb. 2005
- Electronic Resources Librarian Search Committee, Aug. 2002-May
- Library License Review Committee, 1999-2004
- Reference Librarian Search Committee, Chair, Dec. 1999-June 2000
- Web Team, Chair, Fall 1999-Spring 2001
- Internet Services Group, member, October 1995-1999
- Catalog Librarian Search Committee, Fall 1998-Spring 1999
- Database Suites Evaluation Task Force, Chair, Fall 1997-Summer
- In-Depth Assessment Subcommittee, Fall 1997-Summer 1998
- Fulltext Task Force, Fall 1996-Spring 1997
- Electronic Information Work Group, member, July 1995-June 1996
- Electronic Environment Task Force, member, 1994
- Locating Materials Task Force, member, January 1994-June 1994
- Reference Librarian Search Committee, member, 1994
- Member of group of librarians serving the outreach network,
1993-May 1995
- Reference Librarian Search Committee, member, 1991
- CatTrac Committee, member, 1991
- Library Instruction Task Force, member, 1991
To the University
- University Promotion & Tenure Committee, Sept. 2016-2018
- Curriculum & Program Committee, Sept. 2016-2018, Chair Sept. 2017-2018
- Teaching Excellence Action Committee (TEACh) Nov. 2015-2018
- Core 2.0 Curriculum Committee, Jan. 2014-2018
- Core 2.0 Inquiry Steering Committee, Jan. 2014-2018
- MSU Concerto Competition, Adjudicator, Nov. 2014
- Doctoral Committee for Sara Plaggemeyer, Graduate Representative, 2012-2018
- MSU Concerto Competition, Adjudicator, Dec. 2009
- University Web Advisory Committee, Fall 2005-Jan. 2008
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee, Fall 2004-June 2007
- University Grievance Committee, Fall 2002-Fall 2005
- University Promotion and Tenure Committee, Fall 1998-Spring 2001
- University Conciliation Pool, Oct. 1996-Spring 2002
- Member of the Graduate Committee for Sarah Broadbent, candidate
for Master of Arts in History degree, 1992-1997
- Faculty Council member, representing the Library, Sept.
1993-Sept. 1996
- Faculty Council Steering Committee member, Sept. 1994-Sept. 1996
- University Budget Committee member, Sept. 1994-Sept. 1996
- Dean of Libraries Search Committee, member, 1994-95
- Faculty Affairs Committee. Substitute member during Spring 1993
To the Profession
- External Reviewer for Tenure Candidate at a northwest university library.
- External Reviewer for Tenure Candidate at a New York university library.
- External Reviewer for a Tenure and Promotion Candidate at an Ohio
university library. 2011
- Referee for a manuscript submitted to the Journal of Documentation,
Summer 2008
- Moderator. Search Engines Track. Computers in Libraries 2008. Washington,
April 9, 2008
- Moderator. Search Engines Track. Internet Librarian Conference. Monterey,
Oct. 31, 2007
- Moderator, Search Engine Track and panel. Internet Librarian
2005, Monterey, CA, Oct. 26, 2005
- Chair, "Start Your Engines" panel at Internet Librarian 2004,
Monterey, Nov. 17, 2004
- Executive conference committee, Online Information 2002 (London)
- Moderator, Search Engine Track, Internet Librarian 2002, Palm
Springs, Nov. 6, 2002
- EContent contributing editor (2002)
- Referee for a manuscript submitted to Library & Information
Science Research, Fall 2001
- Conference committee, Online Information 2001 (London)
- Member, Advisory Board, The Internet Connection. 1997-2001
- Moderator, "Web Search
Engines: How They Work, How to Use Them" panel of Internet search
engine representatives at Online World '98, Washington, D.C., October
12, 1998
- Refereed a library science book proposal for Bowker-Saur, UK.
Summer 1996
- Member. Internet Toolbox Work
Group and Futures Work Group of the Montana Statewide Library
Technology Committee. July 1995-Feb. 1996
- "Getting Connected to the Internet" Session Moderator;
Online/CD-ROM '95, Chicago, Oct. 30, 1995
- "Internet Tips and Tricks for the Savvy Navigator " Session
Moderator; Online/CD-ROM '95, Chicago, Oct. 30, 1995
- Moderator, Internet Newbies Roundtable, at Online '95, November
1, 1995
- Editor. Montana Library Focus.
August 1991-June 1995 (Co-editor with Gregg Sapp from August 1991-June
1994). Published first two 1995 issues on the Web
( as well as in print
- Column editor for guest column, "Navigating Gopherspace Via
E-Mail." By Glee Willis, Online 18(6):32-35, November-December
- Column editor for guest column, "CancerNet: More than PDQ on the
Net." By Lee Hancock, Database 17(1):86-88, February 1994
- Column editor for guest column, "Internet Database Review: The
FDA BBS." By Nicholas G. Tomaiuolo, Database 16(6):82-84,
December 1993
- "Driving the Information Superhighway" Session Moderator;
Online/CD-ROM '93 conference, Washington, DC, Nov. 1, 1993
- "Reference Use of the Internet: Round Table" Session Moderator;
Online/CD-ROM '93, Washington, DC, Nov. 1, 1993
To the Community
- Member, Glacier Park Foundation, 1988-present
- Member, Glacier Mountaineering Society, 1985-present
- Member, AIIP, 2012.
- Member, Montana Library Association. 1990-1995
- Member, Montana Library Association Council. 1994-June 1995
- Co-chair, Offline Interest Group, Montana Library Association
- Member, ex officio, Montana Library Association Board of
Directors 1991-1994
- Member, Exhibits Committee, Montana Library Association 1992
Annual Conference
- Member, American Library Association. 1989-1992
- Member, Association of College and Research Libraries. 1990-1992
- Member, Library Instruction Round Table. 1990-1992