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Search Engine Bookmarklets
Last updated
Jul. 12, 2023.
by Greg R.
To help searchers quickly switch to other search engines, select
text to send to a search engine, or to otherwise expedite and help in the search
process, here is a collection of bookmarklets. To use these, simply click and
drag one to your bookmarks, links, or personal toolbar. You can rename any of
them, as long as you know what they do. To fit more on the links or personal
toolbar, change @Yahoo! to @y and Google Site Search to gs and more room will be
available on the toolbar. When adding these in Internet Explorer, a message may
pop-up warning that it may not be safe to use these. While these have worked for
me with no negative consequences, there is no warranty that these will be
completely safe or work for all other users and in all browsers. [Show me 1.1MB 2:32 Flash video]
Select Text and Send to Search Engine Bookmarklet
Use these when there is text on the current page you are
viewing, and you would like to search that text. Select the text and then click
the appropriate bookmarklet. If not text is selected, most of these will pop up
a box for the search input.
Transfer Search Bookmarklets
After running a search in one search engine, these Transfer
Search bookmarklets make it easy to send the same query to another search
engine. For example, after searching at Google, just click the @Yahoo bookmarklet to
see the results at Yahoo!.
Other Useful Bookmarklets
#G (Number Google Results)
#M (Number MSN Search Results)
Gf=0 (Turn Google site clustering filter off and change number of results to 100)
Yf=0 (Turn Yahoo! site clustering filter off and change number of results to 100)
plugins (Removes Java, flash,
background music, and third-party iframes)
Zap (Removes plugins, colors, cheap effects, event handlers, and timers to
improve readability of page. Mozilla/Firefox only.)
Zapics (Removes images on page, replacing them with their alternative
Search Boxes
Use these to put a search box for specific search engines on a
Web page.
More Information
For general information about bookmarklets, see
Bookmarklets.com. For lots more
bookmarklets, see Jesse Ruderman's
bookmarklets site. And for more details of their use, see my column:
Favelets, and Keymarks: Shortcuts Galore Online 27(4): 38-40,
July-Aug. 2003. Most of these bookmarklets are based on those of others,
especially the fine collection from Jesse Ruderman.